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Wednesday 12 August 2015

Ego of Video Games – (492)

Introduction – Video Games as an Escape from Troubles

Playing video games can be used as a way to take the focus off the hurtful feelings and thoughts that swirl around inside of us when there are troubles in our lives. Many people have this sort of thing, it could be drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, smoking, driving fast, walking, holidaying etc. etc. though what they all have in common is that they are used by us or our psychology as a way to escape or a way to bring happiness, or a way to bring pleasant feelings and thoughts or even a way to regain control (because we can't control the hurt inside etc. so we look to a place that we can control). Because we know while we are doing those things we are far away from the troubles and we feel fine.

A Solution

Anyway the way to deal with these things is to solve the problem or the issue. Many times we can't solve the issue, just like that so then we have to provide a balm to the pain in us that our thoughts and feelings are producing. This is the best solution. Doing this we won't need to self-medicate with those things. Anyhow playing video games doesn't harm anyone, drugs and alcohol are much more destructive, though video games can drain a lot of intellectual energy and make the consciousness very much more asleep and slowly introduce us to living in the fantasy world of video games. See below.

A Key – Focus on your Consciousness

The key is to put the focus on our consciousness because it is like the video game, when we are focussed on the video game we forget, so when we are focussed on our consciousness we forget the as well and with the consciousness the thoughts and feelings can be understood and a solution can be got at. Doing it is hard at first and is for sure more painful than walking or video games, but very much more worth it. Because we develop consciousness that we can use in any area to solve problems and we gain more dominion over our mind.

Question the Painful Thoughts

The thing to do is, using our consciousness or common sense or objective as we can make it - reason, is to question our thoughts. To question what we are believing about the thoughts. When we fight with a reality we hurt. The thoughts may not be about accepting a certain reality and the thoughts could be untrue and when we question them to see if they are true and we discover with our common sense and consciousness that they are not true, then things in us change. We have to question ourselves on many different and deeper levels. The thoughts make the emotions, so the best place to start is with the thoughts. Even write your thoughts down to help you question them.

Conclusion and a Mantra to Help

For a mantra though, the thoughts that hurt us a lot are about there not being love or kindness for us, so the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum is wonderful because that sends the love of our Being to us and at the same time we send it to Him which is really ourselves. So we give ourselves what we are wanting to get from others, which by the way is too hard to always get. We can only really solve those things of a lack of love or ill-will towards us but giving what we want to ourselves.

End (492).

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