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Sunday 15 May 2016

Honour Sacrifices by Working - (911)

Sacrifices of Others

Sometimes people in our lives make and have made big sacrifices for us. Especially members of our family and sometimes we can feel guilty about that, in that our work or path costs them or has costed them some suffering. We then feel in debt and we feel or want to find a way to compensate them. Well there is a way and it is not to give in or stop, but the opposite!

Make it Worthwhile

The only way that we can honour and deeply thank them for their help and sacrifice is to do the work and the path really well. This makes all their help and sacrifice worthwhile. This is because their sacrifices have a worth or have reached an end or a goal and then they are also paid. Their sacrifices were not made in vain but taken to fruition, but if we give in or give up their sacrifices and help go to waste.

End (911).

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