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Sunday 15 May 2016

If you Love Someone or More than Someone or Even Humanity then…- (910)


If we love someone, or more than someone or pockets of humanity or the whole of humanity then what is the best way to give that love?

Give them your money?

Give them all your advice?

Give them all your help?

Maybe, but just only maybe, but perhaps not completely. What though, is the best and always the best and the final, deepest way to help them? Answer…

Give them your Psychological Death

Because that is what they all need and that is what is going to really help them in all the senses.

If we don’t have death we can’t help them to die because we lack the wisdom to motivate them to die and to illuminate them or illustrate before their understanding what it is that they have to die in and why. If we have not solved those issues within our very own work we can not help others in their in-depth battles and fights with their own psychology.


It turns out that the best way to help others, is to help yourself first dying deeply and them giving like crazy that death in the form of wisdom and light illustrating before their understanding what it is exactly that is causing them grief and trouble and how and why the dissolution of that knot or block is the reality of things and the right order of things.

After all that is what psychological death does, it leads us to discover the in-depth truth and reality of life, ourselves and the Being inside of  us.

End (910).

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