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Thursday 14 July 2016

Agonising Mother Earth, Loss of Potency and the Inevitability of WWIII - (966)


In this post I am going to cover the following promised post titles:

1.                   The Earth is Agonising and the Sexual Energy in Human Beings is Losing its Potency
2.                   Earth’s Population is Increasing for a Special Reason
3.                   Third World War is Inevitable

Agonising Earth and Loss in Human Sexual Potency

From various studies being made that compare the mineral content of vegetables grown today to those grown in the past the conclusion is that the Earth now on average seems to be producing fruit and vegetables that are less potent when it comes to mineral and vitamin content. For example the spinach now has less iron than 100 years ago.

Even the sexual energy or seminal entity of men these days is not what it use to be, especially since instances of the seminal entity of men where there are sperm who are missing tails and are as they say ‘lazy’ meaning they move very slowly.

Population Increase has a Reason

The increase in the Earth’s population Gurdjief says has a definite reason from nature’s perspective. She is compensating for something trying to restore balance.

We can only think that the increasing number of people on the Earth is for a reason to benefit or help her and not otherwise. Or it is either a preparation for a future event or series of events that will benefit her. Natural instincts are very interesting in that they often go beyond morals or what we think is right or wrong.

WW3 Inevitable

If we follow the line of reasoning laid down in previous posts and in this post noting that humanity as whole does not transmute and so does not provide nature with the substance Askokin which is what she really needs and because the sexual energy of those who are transmuting is not what it use to be nature is not really being nourished and this shows in the fruit and vegetables that she produces and so nature has to do something and that will be another war or series of conflicts that bring about the death of many so that the energy and nourishment that she nature requires will be liberated. That nourishment is released in the death and in the blood of human beings.

End (966).

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