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Thursday 15 September 2016

Third Logos Excerpts – Ancient Practice with the Third Logos – (1119)


Here Master Samael explains an ancient ritual performed in Ancient Mexico. Here he gives the mantras IN-EN to invoke and put into activity the energies and forces of the Third Logos in us.

Ancient Mexico

“In ancient Mexico, the Holy Spirit was worshipped with a tunic and mantle of white, black, and red colors, within the Temple of the Serpents called Quetzalcoatl. They would sprinkle snail shell powder on embers of fire; for this purpose they utilized white, black, and red snail shells from the sea. White is the pure Spirit, black symbolizes the descent of the Spirit into matter, and the red is the fire of the Holy Spirit, with which we return into the whiteness of the pure Spirit.

The incense would rise into heaven and the priest would pray for life and the plants would flourish because the Holy Spirit is the sexual fire of the universe. This rite was verified in the temple of Quetzalcoatl, before sunrise, because the Holy Spirit is the maker of light. The priest vocalizied the mantras IN EN.

The prophet Jonah also performed the rite of the Holy Spirit, exactly in the same way as the Aztecs, and he used for this purpose the same vestures and the same incense. He also vocalized the mantra In En when he placed the incense into the fire.

This rite must be established in all of the Gnostic sanctuaries. The snail shells are related with the water of the sea, and the water is the habitat of the fire of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the snail shells from the sea become a perfect smoke offering to the Holy Spirit.

The Mother, or Holy Spirit, grants us power and wisdom. The symbols of the Virgin are the yoni, the chalice, and the tunic of occultation.”

End (1119).

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