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Thursday 15 September 2016

Third Logos Excerpts – Experience with the Third Logos – (1118)


This experience we can only assume is one that Master Samael had, tells us that the Third Logos in us the magician of the magician and it is this power within us that heals and performs many magical and prodigious feats.

As a Healer

“BINAH - is the Holy Spirit, igneous power. The following is an example of Binah. A Hierophant was approached by a mentally ill woman, who wished to be healed. The Hierophant succeeded in curing her and asked the woman's relatives for payment for his service. Subsequently, he had a meeting with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit took the form of a white dove. The Hierophant inquired if he was treading well on the path, and the Holy Spirit told him that he was not. "I am the one that heals" said the Holy Spirit. 
Because of this experience, the Hierophant decided to return the money.  If one has the power to cure and collects payment, the individual commits a very grave crime.” 

End (1118).

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