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Tuesday 25 October 2016

How Are You Going to Pay Back Mother Nature? - (1215)

Everything we Have Nearly All Comes from Her

If we look at it closely, nearly everything we have comes from Mother Nature. The matter of our body, our clothing, our food, our shelter... Even the great artists and scientists could not have risen to greatness if it weren’t for the materials provided by mother nature. What is an artist, a person who creates sculptures, a scientist, a leader, a politician, a computer programmer, a writer, a philosopher, a saint, a priest, etc. without the material given to us by mother nature.

We may say that we have a mind and is not from Mother Nature as it is not apparently material, but think again the content of our thoughts is all based on matter, which comes from the material given to us by mother nature. After all our brain here physically is the house and instrument of our mind.

All that we really have is our essence and true it does come from a place beyond her, but that essence would not be able to develop, i.e. turn into the seminal pearl or golden embryo if it weren't for creation and for Mother Nature.

Everything we Have Taken is Recorded

My marvellous missionary said that he learnt at some point that the elementals of nature record all that we have taken from mother nature for the effects of our life. If there is a record, that means there is an account? Right?

We are Indebted to Mother Nature

Because we take from Mother Nature, we owe her according to the law of balance and reciprocity that pervades everything in our life here on Earth.

So How then are we Going to Pay her Back?

Not by producing food, shelter, clothing, that after all is still taking from her are we going to pay her back. The only way is to work spiritually to increase the light in ourselves and amongst human beings.

To work spiritually and psychologically, transforming darkness into light and working mystically with prayers and invocations calling our inner Divinity and the other Divinities, and by transmuting, this is the most important one! Transmuting validates the other two efforts mentioned before, i.e. psychological work and prayer.

We basically pay her back spiritually and by embellishing her with our light and the light of the Divinities. After all she is a woman and beauty is a quality more akin and of natural value to the feminine.

End (1215).

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