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Wednesday 9 November 2016

Rescue Imagination - (1267)


There are quite a few things that we must rescue within ourselves. “Rescue what from whom?” you may ask. Rescue our word, our imagination, our sexual force, our will, our senses, our mind, our emotion, from the various egos.

It is really a precious faculty. It has many positive uses in life, in our esoteric practices and as a means to acquire knowledge.

This post is about rescuing our imagination.

Rescue Imagination from Fantasy

Master Samael says that we all have the ability to see and that ability to see is our faculty of imagination. He also says that imagination is clairvoyance. He says that everyone is clairvoyant to some degree.

As with everything, there is duality within us and we have the other side of imagination which is fantasy. Fantasy uses the faculty of seeing within us. However, it uses it incoherently, unrealistically, illogically and mechanically.

We have to rescue our imagination from the egos that wish to use it to see. The ego uses it to create scenarios to fulfil its desires if it can not fulfil here in reality. Or the ego uses fantasy to see how it can fulfil desires. It creates scenarios about the possibilities of how its desires can be fulfilled.

The next post after this one will go into fantasy in more depth.

Why Rescue Imagination

Here is a very powerful time worn and experienced to satiation reason why it is worth while working daily to rescue our imagination from fantasy.

Fantasy = Stress

Fantasy produces stress, it strains our brain, our mind and our heart. Fantasy actually uses up large resources of mental, emotional and sexual energy. After fantasy we are left hurting, drained, less lucid, a little confused, disappointed, a little down, a little dizzy and a loser – because we have gained nothing and have lost a lot.

Anyway here is the big reason, when we use imagination or fantasy our brain begins to see what is being imagined in our mind as real and so it begins to send signals to the body accordingly. If we are imagining something scary the brain will begin to send signals to the body to get ready to escape. Our heart begins to race, our nerves get edgy, our solar plexus begins to churn and we become agitated. If we are seeing erotic images in our mind our sexual centre gets activated as if we were to experience what we are seeing.

Fantasy Squeezes Our Brain

Fantasy forces our brain to make a huge effort to adapt our body to what we are fantasising about, and because it is not reality and is not in our nature our brain has to change things and this is what uses up heaps of energy and actually hurts our brain.

Fantasy is stressful and it is not relaxing at all.

Seeing the flow of our life and being present here right now in our own reality is relaxing and is our only resting place, or well our best resting place.

End (1267).

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