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Thursday 12 January 2017

About Sexual Tension - (1439)

The Term

There is the term ‘sexual tension’ that one hears now and then in conversations.

It is understood as being the state where the sexual energy has accumulated within a person to level where some sexual unrest has become prevalent.

An Esotericist’s View

It seems that people in society don’t like such a state and in the same or next sentence that they speak about releasing it.

The esotericist is very different, he or she looks for the state of sexual tension because it serves as a spring to jump to a new octave in something.

The esotericist uses the state of sexual tension to channel the powerful sexual energies into something.

When the sexual energy has accumulated to some level that is when the sexual tension within one is at a high level that is when one esoterically speaking is the most powerful.

That accumulated energy can be transmuted in any esoteric activity and channelled into that activity to give it great force.

We are also more alive, more energetic and our best selves when we have sexual energy accumulated. The only trick is to know how to manage that state and not get burnt or waste such a marvellous opportunity like the ordinary person does through the vice of masturbation, normal sex, infrasex etc.

The Gnostic Transmutes it While Others Waste it

The Gnostic in summary deals with sexual tension by transmuting it and channelling it. It is the natural signal of the body telling any Gnostic that the sexual energy needs to be transmuted. To the Gnostic this state is not a problem but one that is highly valued. To the normal person in society it is a state disliked and unintelligently dispensed with as quickly as possible.

End (1439).

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