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Thursday 12 January 2017

Reference Points in our Internal Chatter - (1438)


There is an observation that we can make here, and it is when we are internally chattering away positively about ourselves we think or chatter away using the "third person''.

We chatter away internally putting words into the mouths of others about ourselves. The egos that have a reference point in other people are self-love, self-importance, and self-consideration.

There is another interesting observation, it is when we chatter internally in a negative way about ourselves we use the "first person". We chatter away saying things like “I can't do this!”, "I can't cope!", "I am useless!”, "I am a failure!" etc. all in the first person. Obviously, the reference point for the egos of self-pity, self-compassion etc. that chatter away in this way, is our own mind.

Key to Defeat these Egos

The key to defeating each of these egos is to change the reference point!

With self-hove, self-importance, self-consideration we need to move our reference point into ourselves.

With the egos of self-compassion, self-pity, we need to move the reference point to others or to reality.

This is ratified by the fact or observation that when we become identified with self- compassion we don't want to believe others (the positive things that they say about us). When we are identified with self-love we don't want to listen to ourselves to love our inner Being. We only want love from others.

Changing the Reference Point

To change our reference point we need some identification or fusion with that reference point. To locate the reference point in our essence we need to know ourselves as essence first, to know that we are the essence.


So here is the key to defeat these egos in our internal chatter. If when we are boasting about ourselves in our internal chatter we can change the reference point to be ourselves and we will see that we don't feel like chattering about ourselves at all. When we start chattering by saying “I am this and that” we feel sick straight away because it is just not palatable, so stop our internal chatter.

End (1438).

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