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Thursday 12 January 2017

Contrast for Heaven’s Sake - (1437)

Come On Contrast – Use it!

Take the ego and the way it made you think, feel and do and contrast that with you without that ego.
See the turmoil in your mind, the tumult of thoughts, the guilt, the indecision, the strong processes of the ego and the thoughts that say it is wrong, but unfortunately those thoughts lack the force to sway the balance in favour of the essence and the work.

Take the Ego

See the emotions, see the actions, see the consequences. See the bitterness, see the karma in action, see the reactions of others. See the lament, see the regret, see the appeasing promises for the future, see yourself hitting your head against the wall clamouring “Why why?”.

Take the Essence

See the peace in the mind, the focus, the calm - steady and secure emotions. The content of walking in the right direction, the trust and peace before ones’ inner Being and before the Law. The absence of debts – tranquil freedom, the absence of painful reminders, the absence of contradictions of having to fulfil promises made and not wanting to. No frightening warning type of dreams. Wake up in the morning clear of anxiety, no more pangs of pain during the day, only a clearer inner vision and a step  (even a baby step - much better than a step backwards) closer towards the radiations of the Divinity that dwells within.


Bring both of these two experiences together and ask yourself deeply and honestly, demanding an honest answer from yourself: “Which one do I really want?”. "Do I really really want the ego with its awful consequences?". "Do I want that stress, that pain, that debt those awful feelings?".

That is one way to do contrast.

One can also chose the lives of others gone wrong because of the ego, to perform such a contrast.

End (1437).

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