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Wednesday 15 February 2017

God is Life! God is Reality! – (1514)

God is Life

By life I don’t mean ‘life’ in the “Two Lines of Life” talk where we have the vertical and ‘life’ as the horizontal, but rather life as the Universal Spirit of all things. The life that streams through us all. That special spark that gives us life and intelligence.

Everything has life, because God is everywhere and because God is life.

However, we can be more alive or less alive. When we have a spark of consciousness we feel more alive than ever before. More consciousness means to be more alive!

If we give each moment of our life deeper and greater meaning, we will understand much more that God does exist. Each moment beholds something subtle or great and there is subtle magic of life. To be aware of having life streaming through us and being aware of it each moment, moment by moment is the magic. We look for magic tricks and things but this is the first magic.

Physical reality is something amazing and special and very esoteric. Because from the Esoteric cascades all things.

God is Reality

God is also reality. Reality is what is. Reality always rules no matter what, just like God.

Reality for me is God, because reality shows us that this is how things in life are or how things work best in life.

Reality is what we commonly have problems with. Usually nothing else. There is the real world and then there is the world of our mind. When these two clash the problems arise. We can not adapt reality to the reality of our mind. Or better said we can not adapt our physical reality to the reality to the psychological reality. We can not bend God according to the whims of our mind.

Reality itself is God and the Absolute is the Great Reality. Reality has to be of God, if he is real, reality must be his.

When we fight with reality it hurts always. It creates problems. Trying not to be what we are etc. hurts. What is real in us is of our Being (Real Being get it?).

To trust more in reality than in our minds projections and expectations is to trust more in pour Being.

Reality is Always Best. Is that True? Come On Ask Yourself!

There are so many bad things in the world and they are God as well. A bit mind blowing but true? IF they are present it is because God wills it for a reason that we of course don’t understand or can come to understand if we really want to.

End (1514).

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