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Wednesday 14 March 2018

A Brief Commentary on Mistress Litelantes and the Science of Jinas - (2285)


From this brief story of how Mistress Litelantes learnt the science of Jinas, one can derive many things for one’s own learning.
This post presents just a few of these things.

Destiny – Merits

Obviously that great soul whose Real Being is named Litelantes had the merits to learn and know the science of Jinas. I say this because it practically knocked on her door. It practically came to her, rather than her going to it.

When things knock on a person’s door in life it is because it is either due to the Being of the person or the Law. In either case, the person has the dharma to receive what has just knocked on their front door.

In Mistress Litelantes' case it was both because she was born an adept they say, and her having the ability to put her physical body into the fourth dimension so to be able to travel internally and seek knowledge from the masters of the white temples was of a very important help to Master Samael and to the mission with humanity they had before them to accomplish.

The science of Jinas Master Samael says, assists one tremendously in the awakening of consciousness. So from early on, Mistress Litelantes having this ability afforded her much awakening which again was indispensable.

When a person does not have merits to receive what they once had perhaps, that person has to pay with great longings, sacrifice, hard work and repenting tears sometimes to get back what they once had, but lost.

We lost it because we abused it or corrupted it in the past. That is, mixed it with the ego.

For most of us living in the west, to learn the science of Jinas is very difficult, there is definitely no one around that can help us as the young Arnolda was helped. And so the path described in the previous paragraph is the one that we would have to take to learn the science of Jinas.


How beautiful is that to have a disciple one with whom you can leave a treasure of esoteric knowledge and skills to. Each master has to have a disciple that will carry forward the knowledge and skills of his or her master to humanity.

I often ask myself what would I leave behind to a disciple?

The more we work and the more we learn, the more of a treasure we can leave behind to such a person, and the better off they will be and the better humanity will naturally be.

End (2285).

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