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Monday 23 April 2018

Waves of Generations of Initiates… (2345)

In Waves…

Initiates it seems are produced in waves. When those waves cease to roil out, humanity is in real trouble. This is because the hope that new souls from the Earth may reach the light dwindles to the point of being extinguished.
Here are the waves of initiates, past, current and future.

First Generation

There was Master Samael and Master Rabalu as the first generation or wave of initiates. Then after them has a come those who actually met Master Samael physically and were in Mexico in the time that Master Samael was. This generation of initiates did their missionary course while master Samael was still in Mexico. This generation has been very successful because some of them have and are finishing the Great Work.

Then after them comes their students who have become initiates and are at advanced stages of the path. There a good number of them in total, where some, though fewer are just beginning the second mountain, and there are some, greater in number that are in the first mountain.
Then after them it gets tricky. This new wave or generation of initiates has not yet taken shape. It must do though, to keep the hope for the small pockets of humanity that can give fruit, alive.

On their Shoulders

It many ways it rests on the shoulders of each wave of initiates to form the new wave rolling behind him or her. It is also the duty of those who are to become initiates but are not as yet, to take up that post.

This is all so to keep the cycle going. Otherwise without the presence of initiates, real and living contact with the path is not present and the absence of the path being walked and lived does not leave all the doors open wide enough for others to be able to walk into the initiations and form the new generation of initiates.

The sad thing is that each generation is weaker and weaker and so it becomes more and more difficult.
End (2345).

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