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Wednesday 4 July 2018

A Brief Description of Jealousy - (2458)

Not Often Addressed

In Gnostic circles the ego of jealousy is not often spoken of. Mainly becasue having it denounces us as perhaps petty, angry, spiteful, and worst of all, as undesirable to the one we are in a relationship with and that our jealousy is trying so hard to protect.

As my marvelous missionary said in the past, no matter how many egos we have or how big an ego is, as long as we separate them from our essence and we stay as our essence all is fine. 

It is not a problem to have the ego of jealousy. What is the problem is when we get identified with it.

My marvelous missionary also said that if we decide to work on an ego, the bigger it is, the better it is, because as we work on it, the more essence and light we will release and return to ourselves.

You know something, when I have thought that I didn't have something, the bigger and more problematic it became.

So in the some future posts I am going to present something about the work on this ego. Because I am working on it, and why not share what I am learning...

I decided a few years ago that I am not going to die physically without having told people all that I have learnt. 


A basic description of jealousy is that it is a psychological aggregate whose function is to protect a close relationship from perceived harm or to protect ourselves from being abandoned in that relationship. 

One may say that it is the combination of fear and love, but love processed as a kind of love for ourselves processed through the other person.

Jealousy is always about the number 3. Well at least three, it could be four or more. But it is typically always three. When a third person appears then jealousy enters into action.

It maybe said that it is the wrong use of the law of three. Instead of using the third as a factor that strengthens (psychologically reconciles) the original relationship it becomes the cause of its degradation. The presence of the third can be used for psychological work, to bring more light which helps the original relationship to become stronger and overcomes the disturbance that the third brought.  

End (2458).

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