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Tuesday 3 July 2018

Don’t Separate Sex from Higher Value – (2457)


The force of sex by itself manifests neutrally and splendidly without direction.

The pivot of this whole issue is the direction that we choose to give the force of sex. In other words, the pivot point is what we combine the force of sex with.

If we combine it with higher value the force of sex ascends taking us with it, and vice versa.

We may transmute the sexual energy but if we transmute with egoical elements we do a disservice to ourselves.

In short, we should not separate the force of sex within ourselves from decency, honesty, love, yearning for the Being within us…

When we allow this separation, and focus only on the force of sex we potentially run into  trouble downwards. If our psychology is totally clean the force of sex can manifest neutrally and splendidly within ourselves, though as we are majorly heavily laden with egoical elements (such as lust, impatience, ambition, desire etc.) these elements pull the force of sex downwards, where it then drives us further downwards, which includes our life.


Do not separate the force of sex from higher values.

End (2457).

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