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Thursday 2 August 2018

Why Magic Blood Pacts Exist – (2528)


When there is Polarization there is an Aspect of Unity Above It

It seems though that most of our references (movies and books) show how blood is used magically in a negative way. However, it can also be used magically in a positive way. The most well known example of this is the rite of the last supper, where Jesus did it is said, perform a magical ritual of blood with his disciples. It is said that in the chalice that he himself and the apostles drank from did indeed contain his blood as well as the blood of the apostles.

The point here is to introduce this post, and what I wish to express here is that when something can be used on both sides it is because it is something special that comes from the great unity, and blood is certainly one of those special things.

I wish also to provide some insight into why pacts of blood exist. Which means to delve a little deeper into that special subject.

Let me say this, if we ever have to do something magically with blood then things are not going well or something is about to happen...

The Sacrament of Almoadziano

In the magical rite of the last supper Jesus evoked the Sacrament of Almoadziano, where His blood along with his disciples was mixed in the Holy Grail and along with some minute particles of his flesh. He and the apostles drank from the Holy Grail, with the purpose of linking their Astral bodies together. Master Samael also says that with the fulfillment of the last supper and the crucifixion Jesus managed to link His astral to humanity, thus fulfilling the role of Avatar. 

You can read about this in this post.

This rite can also be used Master Samael says to materialize the astral body of a master after the physical death of the master. Though as Master Samael says, this rite must be performed before the Master dies physically.

Master Samael says that this is a magical pact of blood that is very archaic and ancient, and it works to link the astral bodies of masters and their disciples together. It can also be used to materialize the astral body of a master after death. The Sacrament of Almoadziano works with the astral body because the astral world is the world of pacts and sacraments and the astral body is also the mediator between the physical plane and the higher planes such as the casual and beyond. It is also said that the astral body is "the powerful astral mediation that links our physical personality to the supreme immanence of the Solar Father."

The Word, Blood and Ens Seminis 

Such magic pacts exist because of the property of blood. Whenever there is a pact there is always something used as guarantee or as a lever. It can be a signature, mostly it is, Master Samael said at the dawn of creation he saw the Cosmic Christ enter a temple and sign a pact to crucify himself on the cross the save men and the Gods...

The point here is that what binds the pact is something of the person, something innate, intimate and special of the person making the pact is sacrificed or committed. That sacrifice is what seals the pact and makes the pact work magically.

The word is magic, blood is magic and the ens seminis is magic and they lo and behold they are all property of the Divine Inner Being dwelling within. The word is a value of the Inner Being, Sexual Energy comes from the Inner Being and blood also comes from the Being in the sense of the Humbledzoin of the Being. You can read the Humbledzoin of the Being here.

Blood has a high value because it is charged with life, as is the word and as is the sexual energy. The sexual energy has the higher value. So this where some of its magic use comes from. Also because blood links...

Here is the physical world we have representing the Logoic triangle the Breath (Father), Blood (Son) and Water or Sexual Energy (Holy Spirit) and that is why these three things: word, blood and sexual energy are magic.

Magic Property of Blood

Blood is a conductor, a magic fluid that conveys life, that is it conveys the prana of life all the way through our bodies.

It is life and life is a Divine and magical thing. Life can in no way be fabricated and or made in a  laboratory somewhere by a human being.

Master Samael says that when we receive blood from a donor, we come to be connected psychically with that person, which implies a degree of karmic connection up to a certain point.

Obviously we are all linked by blood to our parents because we participate of the same blood type of our parents.

Master Samael says that when we transmute hormones are injected into our blood and via our blood these hormones reach our vital organs and our brain, effecting changes.

Transmutation he also says introduces a certain electricity into our blood, making the blood of the person who transmutes different to the one who does not.

"Write with blood and learn that blood is Spirit..." - Nietzsche and "This is a special fluid..." Faust referring to blood.

End (2528).

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