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Sunday 6 October 2019

Your Esoteric Life Your Real Life - (3229)

The real you is your essence!

It makes sense then that if you are the essence then your real life is the life of the essence which is esoteric.

This rings so true. Following on from the logic of the above statement. Our physical life then is not so real. 

Come to think of it, we may have felt that all along. So many things in our physical life don't quite match with us. Our physical job sort of matches with us but it is not quite us, eveything outside of ourselves is not us and we deal so much in our phsyical life with all these external things that are not us at all. 

We work for a company but none of the company is us. Maybe a few documents of the millions that it has in its DMS (Document Management System) are written by us but they are not about us.

We don't really get this point so quick, it takes time. Even when we finally do catch on to this we find our esoteric life a little nblank or empty. But we can not turn our back on the truth that we have discovered and leanrt. We are left only with one optin and that is to begin to cultivate our esoteric life.

Our esoteric life are our esoteric experiences, our heart temple, the symbols and images that come to our imagiantion, our essence, its values, our consciousness itself, our esoteric practices, the relationship with our Divine Mother, our prayers adn communications to our Intimate Christ etc. are all aspects of our inner esoteric life.

End (3229).

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