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Sunday 7 June 2020

Egos in Relation to Others - (3633)

You know we have egos related to specific others.

For example, we fear someone and fear in relation to the person is very strong. But in relation to another person it is not very strong at all. We can not feel fear at all to say whatever we feel. But in front of the other person we are jelly boots.

The same thing applies for many other egos and people. 

So what do we do then?

We just have to work those egos as if they were an ego and overcome them in our relations with that particular person.

General work on that ego helps but the real effective work is done in relation to, that is in action with that particular person.

Do you have that situation in your life? Sometimes it can be related to men in general or women in general, or authority people, or subordinates etc. etc.

End (3633).

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