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Monday 14 September 2020

Convert the Tedious Fussy Cat Chores and Others into Mindful Practice - (3856)

Chores and Complaints

There are a number of chores that we do each day, and there are a number of complaints that we give voice to each day.

Those complaints are I don't have enough time, have to do this and that, he/she wants that I do that, always a rush etc.

How about those chores become our practice. Our time to recharge, our time to be conscious, our time to relax the mind, our time to observe and above all our time to triumph and advance microscopically (it all adds up) in awakening more, and in dying more.

Fussy Cat

While feeding the fussy cat early morning still in pajamas, calming the mind, breathing deeply, making feeding the cat your first morning practice - savouring the day, thanking the Being for the day, going over esoteric work resolutions, opening the can of cat food, observing the thoughts looking for awareness while spooning out the chopped tuna with gourmet veggies, focusing the awareness banging the spoon on the bowl. Calm again watching the cat snub the food (of course which cat eats tuna and gourmet vegetables) and start a meowing protest opera, just watch, listen attentively, accept the reality assaulting the ears, stay mindful knowing this is the whole pivot of the day, if I can stay mindful now in this opera I will set my whole day up to be mindful.    

Cat stops the opera, day flows on looking to the next chore to be mindful. Breakfast and driving. At work hundreds of them.

End (3856).

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