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Monday 14 September 2020

Love Posts: Ways of Loving - (3854)

There are ways of loving. True isn't it? The most important way for us to know. Is our way. We get very very concerned with the way others love, or don't love but still the most important way to be concerned about is OUR WAY!

What is important in our way of loving is the nature of our love. The best love is the one that is pure. But often if we are honest we will find impure elements in our love.

For best results these elements have to be filtered out. There is something divine in every love, because love is divine and comes from the Divine but it is mixed with things needing purifying. This is being realistic right? And it is these impure elements that do the damage.

Often as long as we love we think that is it, we have made it. No more to be seen. We don't inquire into the nature of that love. But to be conscious and get to conscious love we really should do that! Makes sense doesn't it?

One common pitfall here is that when love takes hold of a person the heart takes control. The heart being in control pushes away the mind. Which is good in some respects when the mind only presents negative projections, but the mind can also bring many positive considerations to the discussion. Many good counterbalancing measures.

The best always is when heart and mind work together. When they work together there is balance and from balance always always comes the best things. In other words, a better way of loving can emerge when heart and mind work together.

The balanced way is closer to conscious love. 

To have the balanced way we really can't just let the heart take over and lead everything. We need to use our faculties to counterbalance it. You know in us beginners with the ego alive the heart still is not pure. It is needs counterbalancing and purifying.

End (3854).


  1. Have you thought about adding the link to in the introduction to this blog at the top? I'm saying this because has more free books of Master Samael and is also more attractive and easier to navigate than

  2. I havn't thought of it before. I actually belong to and teach under the Gnostic Society whose website is I certainly acknowledge though that gnosticteachings have some really terrific content and some lectures have helped me immensely.
