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Thursday 24 September 2020

Deeper Comprehension of Masculine, Feminine and Compliments - (3875)


I have been working on this lately. Here are some points that have helped me.

I'm going to present it in didactic note form as time is limited. Time and inclination permitting I may pad it out later.

1. Masculine and Feminine

The Ain Soph Aur polarised into two, the Divine Masculine and Feminine Principles. Two polarities of the one un-manifested. These two polarities are known as the Heavenly Father and the Divine Mother. By means of these two polarities everything has been created. Because everything in manifestation comes from these two principles, everything has these two principles in them. 

Human beings, men and women have both principles. One is external and the other is internal. For example, a woman is externally feminine but inside of her there is a masculine principle and vice versa for me. Both men and women carry both principles. But of course much more than the other.

2. Law is to Tend to Unity

Because these are the first two principles in creation (masculine and feminine), and because they are the two principles that create, and because they are fundamental in us, every creature has the tendency to give them importance. 

God, the Absolute is a lot about creation. That is one major thing that the Absolute (God) does, the Absolute is about uniting these two principles together to create.

These are the first two principles for every creature, mum and dad are the first people we see and because of that Law of creation every creature makes two principles very important in their life. A great king is prepared to take his nation to war for a queen, a woman leaves her loving family home, her beautiful supportive parents and siblings to live in much less favourable circumstances with a man, and a man can do the same.

They are not really doing wrong, it may seem strange, but it is not a crime and really they are doing the Law, because that is what has been written into us, the moment we were created.

3. Human Beings Seek Completeness

The desire of every living creature is to be united with his or her missing compliment. Being a man or a woman we have our compliment missing. A large degree of rest is achieved in any human being when there is that union with the missing compliment, because arrives completeness, wholeness, knowledge and power just like how God is complete and powerful.

So the big question is where is that compliment. We can't really go into that question and find an answer without looking at love first.

Once upon a time before the fall when human beings were androgynous or hermaphrodite, they contained both principles in balance and were complete. There was also no possibility of falling. The fall of man was then unknown. So this completeness has been imprinted in our essence since those remote times and we to this day retain that memory deep in our nature. We have that deep instinctive memory of where we were once complete and so we are always consciously or unconsciously seeking that completeness. 

A man seeks out that missing feminine half that he remebers deep in hi nature and so does a woman, she seeks out that masculine that she remebers deep within her nature, coming back from those times when we human beings were compelte both masculine adn feminine united.

4. Love and the Compliment

Really to love is about loving oneself first of all. But loving in the right way.

Before we can love our fellow man we have to love ourselves first. We can never give what we don't have. And what we give is love for ourselves, but the right love, which is the love for our essence. When we have love for ourselves, respect for ourselves we love and respect others, because others are the same as us. When we see another we are seeing ourselves, because others provoke our thoughts and feelings and if our love is provoked we end up loving others. We are always seeing what we feel and that always comes out of us, out of our own apparatus which is our consciousness. Our consciousness holds everything of us. It is not from another person that we love but from ourselves. 

A man only loves one woman out of all the women in the world because in that lady he sees himself, that part of himself that he is missing. The same for a lady towards a man. Sounds aweful doesn't it, but it is that way. That is why it is sometimes so strange, a woman may like a real ugly silly guy over some other guy who has 100 more good things going for him than the ugly silly guy. That is how things work. 

A man may seek out a lady in the hope that he will find in her the image of his missing inner compliment, but later as things pan out he does not find that in her, then he looks for another and another and so on. Never finding it, this maybe a reason behind the so called promiscuity, in both men and women. 

Really, really that compliment for us is inside of ourselves and is ultimately us. It is the higher part of ourselves - that is Our Being. Of course though the way to the higher part is through a physical human being.

A man seeks his Divine Feminine principle in his Divine Mother through his wife and a woman seeks her Heavenly Father - her Divine Masculine principle through her husband. This is essentially the work of the Alchemy.

5. Union of Higher and Lower

The real, I mean the real union that each human being is looking for is the one that makes a human being complete and what makes them complete is really the union of the higher and the lower within themselves. That is the union of these two poles. Which is the union of the human with the Divine. In other words the essence with our Being. 

We maybe married and have some kind of physical and emotional completeness but not yet the inner one. Yet a person may have more inner union because that person has through his or her practices found a bit of their higher nature - their Being. Then every practice and action they do gets them closer to that inner Higher nature and so their life is a constant movement towards union. In unity there is balance and the real happiness. This is the higher level of what thinking sexually means, of which Master Samael has mentioned a few times. 

This is the symbol of the Ouroborus. Where the lower nature (serpent's tail) is bitten on by the higher nature (serpent's head) forming a circle which signifies unity, eternity and knowledge. Wisdom for sure wisdom comes from the union of the lower and the higher. When human experiences unite with the wisdom of the spirit to enhance and enrichen it.

End (3875).

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