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Thursday 15 October 2020

Brain, Sex, Opposite Poles and Flow - (3908)

Here are some practical work points.

Obviously the post has been written from a man's point of view, however it applies just the same to a woman. Because it is to do with principles.

So a man sees a woman and feels some attraction, desire or anything else we wish to call it. Depending on the level of being of the man, this can happen all the time (brute stone black waters) or once in a while (refining, cleaning the waters), and the level (intensity) and quality (more sexual, more emotional) of attraction will vary etc. etc. blah blah all that stuff! 

Anyway Gnosis teaches one to be conscious and intelligent about that. Not to reject it, suppress it or think it wrong. Gnosis says the key is to know, comprehend deeply and apply the teachings about that.

If one is observant one will notice the presence of a new energy in him or herself. The attraction that was felt, actually brought forth this new energy. In fact one is now experiencing a state of heightened energy. And this, if one is wise, is very useful.

Everyone values energy and wants more of it. But because we are so badly educated when it comes to the sexual energy we don't know how to really use it.

Gnosis would say feel the presence of that new energy, be aware of it and value it, know that it is really a gift, because that energy can be circulated throughout your whole body flowing into your brain and consciousness to heal and rejuvenate your body and brighten your awareness. 

Then with feeling better in our body and brighter in our brain we can give the gift that we received back to the world through our service and good works. 

Doing that a person finds self-fulfilment in their Being as they have with love enhanced their inner Being with energy and have helped those outside of themselves. They are also then nourished by their own love rather than being left let-down and confused by having naively expected love from another and of course not gotten it. 

So even the world benefits. This is how we then convert that sexual energy into heart and emotion.

When we don't, by breathing, imagination and will, make that energy to flow or circulate, what usually happens is that energy gets stuck in the sexual centre or the brain. The brain and the sexual centre are two opposite poles. Like north and south. 

Poles are there in us, to make currents of life flow, not to stagnate the flow of currents. Whenever something stagnates in us there are problems and impurities. Water must flow to stay pure, clear and crystalline. If water stays still it stagnates and turns rotten.

If the energy is stuck in the sexual centre that energy just concentrates on an appendage which does not have any practical use while walking down the street for example, and if it goes to the brain which it is always does, it becomes fantasy which is not good for anything either.

So to circulate it is how we should approach it and that is how we give a nice gift to ourselves and to humanity. That is also how we convert that energy into awareness and heart. If we have the yearning for awareness and heart then circulating the sexual energy makes all the sense in the world.



End (3908). 

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