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Wednesday 14 October 2020

The Being Inside Must Win - (3907)

Allow or work to give victory to the right thing in you! 

Allow the right thing to remain forefront in you! Ruling your thinking and feeling.

We lose it, its gets dethroned. Only notice and bring it back.

To bring it back is not impossible. We had it there a little while ago, we can bring it back again.

With the essence there at the forefront, remembering its Father-Mother it can enter into our thinking and feeling. 

When I yearn for the Divine Mother in Her strength I like to imagine Her as above.

When it is present in our thinking and feeling we can face many things in order, in balance, in control, with wisdom, we can feel optimism, and we can dispel fantasy (positive or negative).

I am practicing this. It helps a lot. I think everyone's Divine Mother is powerful. The more strength of attention we give her the more present She can be. 

She's like fire, if we blow on the fire, if we fuel it right, it intensifies. Energy brings energy. Like attracts like. 

End (3907).

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