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Monday 12 October 2020

Don't Drift Out to Sea and Lose Connection - (3905)

Sometimes due to circumstances we get swamped psychologically with problems and stress etc. we can start to forget the work, the Being, the essence, the knowledge and its like we see ourselves drifting further and further away from the shore into the lonely, barren and unrelenting deep sea. 

We just have to say "Ah #$%& these problems, stress and hurry" and swim back to shore. Connect back again to the work, to the knowledge, read, study and practice again. 

In other words don't let life's circumstances make you fall asleep.

Stop, hit the brake and seek the Divinity within! Maybe we lose this or that but it may not be worth losing our work, our consciousness for.

Obviously we need help when we are in these times or states, and to let ourselves helplessly drift out to sea going far away from our Inner Divinity where all our light, life and love is, is silly! Because that is exactly the same as crying out for help yet at the same time running away from it. 

End (3905). 

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