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Tuesday 13 October 2020

Karma Cause and Effect Notes - (3906)

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Some notes about the lecture topic of Karma.

Aussie Boomerang - is like karma, we throw it and it comes back.


⚓Karma - Sanskrit word meaning cause and effect. 

It is the magic force that ties causes to their effects.

The Law of Karma says that there are no coincidences. All has a cause.

If there is an effect by the law of karma there is a cause.

Create causes to set up effects. If we want a certain effect to happen we must provide the cause. This is immutable. It could be an effect in our inner life or outer life.

It is a cosmic Law. Permeates everything, including everything in our inner and outer life.

It is eternal and formidable. Nothing is exempt from it Nirvana , karma and space are eternal, the Buddha said. 

It is also known as the Law of Balance or Equilibrium. the balance of the Cosmic, the human, the world, the physical, the psychological etc. 

Balance is one of the most important laws in the universe. Without karma or balance the Universe would fall into disarray.

It has been charged with the defined function of keeping all things in balance.

Karma forms a chain of cause and effect. There is a cause which produces an effect and that effect becomes the cause of a new effect and so on and so on.

Karmic debts. They exist and we create them by upsetting the balance. 

The normal human being has so many karmic debts. Totally rare is it for anyone to have none.

We create them due to having our consciousness being asleep.

The consciousness sees cause and effect and knows the balance and sees the balance and abides by the balance. Because it knows well that imbalance brings pain.

We accrue karmic debts for the bad actions and for the good actions we don't do.

To be free one has to arrive at the state of not owing and not being owed. Adeptus Exemptus.

We all have karmic debts. One of the goals of Gnosis is to lead the aspirant to pay all these debts

Dharma: Sanskrit word for compensation. Cosmic capital. Do good works to accrue dharma.

Having cosmic capital - dharma we can pay for all that we need. Not having it can mean dire straits, while having it means being saved from dire straits.

Holds the explanation to the 'why' and 'how' of the things of our life.

Different types of karma. There are several different types. Very useful information. Especially that which says karma is negotiable.

Katancy (superior karma of the awakened), kama-duro (non-negotiable), karma-saya (links due to sex).

Karma is processed at different levels.   

Processed on the level of: the individual, a family, a nation, a planet etc.

It has a mechanical aspect and a negotiable aspect.

Divinely administered. Divine Tribunal, with 42 judges and the high Priest Anubis - the 43rd judge.

By contacting the Divine aspect of Karma we can modify circumstances. 

Karmic instruments. Don't become a karmic instrument which is used by the Law to make others to suffer.

Karmic circumstances which are: illness, delays, impediments, difficulties, conflicts are the vehicles of karma.

Karma has a special flavour, through which we can easily recognize that we are under karma.

Karma operates in time and space. We see this perfectly in recurrences.

When we work on ourselves we open up a new karmic line for ourselves, distinct to our present mechanical line of not working on ourselves.

If we are sick, work to heal others to accrue the merit to heal ourselves.

To find balance we need to get unbalanced first then we can find balance knowing what unbalanced is like.

Karma is a medicine for the soul. It is not an oppression or punishment but a medicine to bring us back to balance.

There is no one punishing us but ourselves. If we are always balanced karma will never touch us.

We mainly get karma for what we say and do. We don't get physical karma for our thoughts. We with our thoughts though initiate certain internal processes that later can become feelings and actions and then karma or dharma results.

So important it is to learn from our own karmic processes.

We fully complete the karmic process when we learn where the pain is and why it is there. Then we pay knowingly and we won't repeat that conduct or action or say those words. Karma makes us conscious.

Karma shows us the truth of unity. We hit someone. It is not long before we are hit back exactly the same. Showing us to hit someone is to hit ourselves.

We need to learn to trust in Justice. If we are wronged leave it to the Law. All human beings are affected by justice and have these issues of justice affect their lives at some point. This point is valuable wisdom to all of us. If only we are able to trust that is. Karma teaches us trust.

Don't take justice into your own hands. Trust in it and leave it to the powers which are above to solve/balance.

The main fight with karma is light. Not being able to see. Karma confuses and blinds us. That is really where the main suffering is, in not knowing, in not seeing. Awakening our consciousness is the main remedy for karma.

Because we don't see the cause, we think we are being punished. We feel life, nature, people, God are all against us. But it is not life, people or God but it was our own selves. All because we can't see.

The three best ways to pay karma are awakening, transmuting and uniting.

In unity there is balance. Perfect stability or equipoise or balance.

All three factors combined together pay the maximum. Though the first factor of mystical death pays the most of all three.

Karma is round. Just like time is round. Because when there is karma it must come back to us. If it were not round, say it were linear we would escape from it. Karma uses the roundness of time.

Balance is not an amorphous thing. It is not to be between two opposites but to chose one and remain at the centre of that chosen option.

We have most of our karma from past lives. That is the most important karma to pay. It takes precedence over the karma in this life.

It is a good sign when we see the debts from this life coming to us to be paid. Meaning we have cleared a lot of karma from the past.

End (3906). 

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