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Saturday 2 April 2022

Different Colours, Codes and Symbols for the Same System - (4376)

That's one thing that happens when we study esotericism: we are exposed to the chakras for example, and we learn from this source that a certain set of colours corresponds to the chakras then another source says that a slightly different set of colours corresponds to the chakras. Then we find the same thing with the elements - different colours for each element, then we find the same thing with the astrological star signs and then the same thing with the archangels then when we find different sources saying that different organs correspond to the different planets and it goes on and on...

So in the end we are left confused and we don't know which system of correspondences to follow or invest in...

Well the solution is to just chose one that resonates the most or makes the most sense to you and use it to connect to what the colours help us to connect to. After all the point of it is always to connect to the planets, the elements, the star signs, the organs, the chakras etc. etc. It is to CONNECT with our consciousness!

If one system of correspondences works well for us and we are exposed to a new set keep the old going as it works for you or if you chose to try the new one try it for at least a month to see what the difference is.

Also we don't need to impose our system or what works for us onto anyone else, because they may be using a system that works very well for them.

End (4376).

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