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Sunday 7 August 2022

Notes on Unity - (4485)

Unity is a power that we all have at our disposal... We can use it to great advantage.

Unity is a conscious result or a conscious fabrication. It is dynamic, adaptable and flexible. It is a living conscious entity - as every living creature is a unity. Your and my body and the cat's body is a unity.

We consciously make unity happen. It is a conscious power and the self-realisation is all about unity. 

We are our utmost powerful when we are united. Take one pencil and we can easily snap it. Put ten pencils together and you won't be able to snap it. "United we stand - divided we fall".

Concentration is basically about unifying our mind - that is our mental powers and our attention and that is powerful, we when we do that can see the solutions.

Identification is a type of unity. We become the same as the ego (i.e. our free essence unites with the ego). The ego also unifies all the centres of our human machine. The consciousness also works in us by unifying through balance all the centres of our human machine. 

There are several types of unity. The prototype of unity to aspire to, is the unity that exists in the Absolute, which is the perfect multiple unity. Unity amongst diversity.

There is the long standing unity and the short standing unity. The long standing unity is found when the consciousness unites for the good of a higher cause. The short term unity is that of when two people who dislike each other unite against a common enemy. For example two ex-wives who previously couldn't stand each other unite against the same ex-husband,

The other type of unity is when we unite with a lower value. Like we decide to unite with a drug dealer. Well if we did that his/her business would go through the roof. Why because the values of our essence which come from our work would be invested in matter and evil and that would pay back in matter and evil. That is what is called: "prostituting our values".

Unity always pays and creates something good or bad. There is also the type of unity when we unite our will with a higher cause and that brings us many new positive values.

There is the unity of all the egos that unite into one super 'myself' in the abyss. Such a person becomes a solid block of evil with full powerful egoical will.

How can we work with unity right here and now? One: being fully present which means to unify all the centres of our human machine with being present and or with what we are doing. Two: dissolving contradictions. Three: working with the Law of Three. 

Flexibility is needed to create unity. A unity where everyone is exactly the same quickly topples over. A unity that gives the individuals freedom to express their individuality but under and in line with a common cause is the most stable kind of unity amongst human beings. And also within ourselves. 

Unity is not to make two people to be the same. That would be to dissolve a cosmic Being. Which is something that would go against the Absolute. The Absolute emanated an individual spark of itself into creation. To make one spark the same as the other means to erase one spark and create a second which would create an imbalance in creation. We can never erase a spark of the Absolute anyway, but in trying we can do much damage.

The way unity works is to create two individuals - that is create two, to then be able to create one. 

The way a couple unites is to unite with the work, the Being and the path. Not to unite with the egos of each one of them.

With balance we get to unity. With unity we accelerate paying our karma. Inner unity constitutes the authentic happiness.

The greatest unity is made up of smaller unities. A bar of chocolate contains how many trillion atoms or unities. All these unities unite their will to make up the chocolate bar. They are all themselves but they are together the chocolate bar.

End (4485).

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