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Tuesday 9 August 2022

Tough at First Applying the Values Pays our Karma - (4498)

When one day we really decide to apply a value in our life, we will come up against our karma. Not all the time but most of the time to some degree we do.

We will be applying it and it will seem as if we are getting nowhere or even worse.

But this is right as we have karma for not having applied the value and now when we are applying it we get the hard end of the stick because we are starting to pay.

When we had karma but did not apply the virtue we were not paying karma we were accumulating karma and the way the law works is that up to a certain limit the Law allows us to accrue karma and so we feel unaffected totally dominant but when it comes time to pay the table turn and we are weak, disempowered and hamulated etc.

So we have to persist and persist and pay and pay then when that karma is paid the fruits of the value will be seen straight away.

A proud person one day decides to apply humility. He or she will be humiliated a lot until one day the karma of being so proud and arrogant ceases and the rewards and compensation of applying humility naturally comes to the person.

Just when a alcoholic decides to apply sobriety they suffer immensely until the karma and the habit are much less.

End (4498).

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