Friday 19 April 2013

Sexual Energy and the Poisoninoskirian (Venenoinoskirian) Vibrations

The Term – Poisoninoskirian Vibrations


This term “Poisoninoskirian vibrations” was originally introduced to the west by Gurdjieff in his book “Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson”.

English and Spanish

As far as I know, it seemed that this book was translated first into either English or French from its original Armenian, and it was only later translated into Spanish. In Gnosis, we usually use the term “Venenoinoskirian” instead of “Poisoninoskirian”, and the reason why, is because that is the Spanish term for it and as Gnosis was given by Master Samael Aun Weor in Spanish, we have come to use the Spanish term. I think that it is good to know this and to understand that both terms are equivalent, just one is the English version and the other is the Spanish version.

First Part of the Word

What is interesting about both the English and Spanish words is that they both contain the word poison. This strongly indicates to us that the vibrations being mentioned are pernicious or harmful, and are like a poison. Indeed they are, and you will see why this is in this post.


This term refers to the condition of the sexual energy (semen or sperm in men and the sexual secretions in women) when the person has neither lost the sexual energy through ejaculation etc. nor have they transmuted the sexual energy. In both cases the sexual energy has remained stagnant, that is, it has not moved, it has just been accumulating without movement, and as a result, just as what happens to water that does not flow, it becomes stagnant and begins to change for the worse.

When the sexual energy stagnates or rots, or in other words enters into an involutionary process or a degenerative process, the sexual energy begins to give off certain vibrations,  just like when a piece of fruit begins to rot, it begins to look different, its shape and colour changes and it begins to smell. These involutionary vibrations of the sexual energy actually affect the psyche of the person and make the person to therefore act in ways previously unknown to their character.

Attitudes Towards Sex

There are commonly two attitudes towards sex, and the interesting thing is that they are diametrically opposed. That is, they are opposite to one another. One attitude is to desire and the other is to avoid. Well, we can rephrase it as overindulgence and rejection. These terms may appear a little strong, however it is true to say that when there is a great desire for something it usually leads to abuse and when the desire for avoidance is great, there is a strong force of rejection present. They are really the two sides of the same coin.

This post considers what happens to the sexual energy in those individuals who choose to shun sex and even psychologically and physiologically reject sex. The short answer is they develop those Poisoninoskirian vibrations.

Shunning Sex

An Interesting Scene from the Movie “Silent Flute”

There is a very interesting scene in the movie called the “Silent Flute” or also known as the “The Circle of Iron” that starred David Caroldine and was actually written by Bruce Lee. In that very interesting scene, Cord the main character while walking through a desert comes across a man sitting in large vat of oil. He is naked, alone, in the middle of the desert and under a dried up old tree with only a few grains of rice to eat.

The man in the vat of oil explains that he experienced bliss and mystical rapture while on his spiritual path. He then says “that thing down there, said hello I’m here”, he then said that he came crashing down and all his mystical aspirations and experiences ended. So he decided to rid himself of it, his first idea was to cut it off but he couldn’t, so he ended up dissolving it by putting himself into a vat oil for years.

Reasons Why

There are several reasons why people shun sex. Most of the reasons why, are actually unknown to the person. Why, because they are usually deep seated reasons that have something painful, that happened in the past, as their cause.

This thing in the past could have been some sort of violation of their will in relation to sex or it could have been a spiritual fall. All the spiritual falls occur because of sex or at the very least the sexual fall consummated the fall or made it complete. When we fall we fall away from the Being, and its light, love, strength, force, power, knowledge, consciousness, confidence, security, immortality etc.

Being removed from the Being or separated from the Being is the worst thing that can ever happen and for this to happen means to be plunged into suffering, pain and the cycle of Samsara. This is something really traumatic and of course this painful trauma becomes directly associated with sex, because without sex there could not have been this separation or fall from the interior divinity.

People instinctively know this and this is why some people faint at weddings (usually men) and why there are people who become monks and nuns in monasteries because they know deep down that by shunning or avoiding the issue of sex they are safe. No harm will come to them. In a way, in the normal sphere of life, sex brings children which can be a huge difficulty and source of worry and suffering. Even relationships themselves where sex is involved get complicated and difficult at times and make one to suffer.

Effects of the Two Attitudes

Acting on these two attitudes towards sex previously mentioned actually modifies the way the sexual energy flows within our body and mind. The following sections explain this in a little more detail.

Effects of OverIndulgence

The effects here are simpler than the complex effects that belong to the attitude of rejecting sex. Here the sexual energy is consumed and wasted at a very high rate. Here the sexual energy of the person is totally diverted outside of him or her and as a result the person accumulates the sexual energy and then wastes it. After a while the person begins to lose those energetic values and impotence appears on the horizon. In other words the person loses their sexual potency and becomes weaker and weaker. This weakness affects their overall energy level and the thinking of the person.

Before that though while there is energy available to the person to burn such people suffer from uncontrollable sexual desires, that puts them into a vicious cycle. Every time the desire is satisfied, a stronger desire to receive the same sensations or more intense sensations is created. The more one indulges their desires the more one desires. So, people in this situation actually suffer quite a lot because they are continuously driven here there and everywhere by their desires.

Because of the lack of energy and the immersion in desire people can become very impatient and angry. The lack of energy makes one angry, because it happens that anger is used as a compensation for the force they lack, which has been lost in the overindulgence of sex.

Effects of Rejection

One of the clear effects of rejection of the sexual force is the Poisoninokirian vibrations. Though there are other consequences, such as when the sexual energy due to the wrong attitude starts to flow in the wrong channels, and this is a disaster. Because that energy should not be circulating in those channels, however it can be made to and this causes the person to be irritable, restless, angry and annoyed.

When the sexual energy circulates in the wrong channels it can create disasters, really adversely affecting the person’s whole system. The sad side about rejection is that, soon the pendulum will swing and people end up going to the other side, which is the side of abuse. This may not happen for a number of years even or it may not even happen in a lifetime. It may be that a monk in one life becomes a terrible womaniser in the next.

Effects of the Poisoninoskirian Vibrations

Gurdjieff mentioned in his book “Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson” that the effects of the poisoninoskirian vibrations were two fold. That is on one hand they produced a lot of fat in one class of monks and on the other hand they made the other class of monks very skinny with pimples.

More importantly though was the effect that these vibrations had on their psyche. Gurdjieff said that the monks who became as “thin as a rail” developed a markedly dual characteristic to their psyche. Where they would on one hand be seen from the outside as bigots and on the other hand be very inwardly cynical.

That is they may treat others who were not religious with utmost disdain and parade as perfect but on the other hand inside themselves they would be very disbelieving of their own religion and not sincere practitioners inside themselves, thinking that they can get away with their negativity and selfishness as if it didn’t mean a thing only what matters is the outside impressions given to others.

Remedy – Transmutation – the Middle Way

The way to heal oneself of both attitudes towards sex is to seek the middle. When one seeks the middle one is healed of so many sexual disorders and problems and consequences of being on the side of abuse or on the side of rejection/avoidance.

The middle way is transmutation, which is to still use sex, but use sex wisely. It is to know how to use sex to benefit one’s self psychologically, physically and spiritually. The transmutation is the transformation of the sexual libido and raw sexual energy into energy which is absorbed by our consciousness and physical and vital organs.

This way is not the rejection i.e. the non use of sex nor is it the abuse or over use of sex. It is really the middle way, the balanced way which is always the correct way and the way that is stable and does not bring pain or suffering. It is also the way of intelligence because it is the knowledge of the opposites extracted to produce the synthesis or the wisdom.


We can always potentially develop the poisoninoskirian vibrations, especially if we are single. That danger always exists. If we are transmuting though, our sexual energies, that danger does not exist.

Our advice is to seek the middle way, which is the transmutation. We don’t really know how much of a beneficial key the transmutation really is. It is what saves us on so many levels. It is a real blessing.

Applying the key of transmutation heals all our sexual problems.


  1. Crock. And who cares if a womaniser becomes a monk. That doesn't happen. Doesn't matter. Some will treat with disdain? What about the falsely righteous? Should the irreligious not be treated with contempt? Maybe the same are BOTH, abused (not abusive); and rejected. So what else do people want from them? They must use what you said caused us to fall away from God so they can think only about themselves? Thereby being truly falsely righteous (if they treat anybody and themselves truly well then how are they "false"? Or; what is the problem then)? Muh masonic divine vagina and grabbems and so forth and so on. Adopt brothers. Like Christ did. And the early church

  2. What are you really trying to say? Mabe you can break it down for me?

  3. Thank you for this short article. This has better explained this concepts and I'm glad to note that they've more or less confirmed my intuition.

  4. Thanks for this!..Yes this makes total sense to me. In my younger days like most people from the 70's/80's/90's I was fairly promiscuous, but of course I didn't always succeed with my ...erm chosen..'conquests', this of course did lead to frustration/anger etc and plenty of masterbation, which in my heart of hearts I knew I was doing the wrong thing, as it always drained me..I just needed someone to tell me..Nobody did of course, until I came across certain spiritual practices which I continue to use to this day..i.e if I feel any sexual desires when I'm on a bus/train/restaurant I mentally push the energy from my root to my crown and either use the HAM SAU or the IAO mantras to guide it into my heart centre..Again, good article!
