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Thursday 29 February 2024

Theft - Combination of Pride and Fear - (5053)

To have something stolen from us is an interesting psychological experience.

We can observe an "I" of anger with pride behind it, and an "I" of fear appearing. Anger first and fear afterwards.

To steal something means to think that our rights to steal are greater or more valid than the right of the other person to kept it as their own possession. This is pure pride.

When we are stolen from, anger appears because our pride realises that someone (the thief) had the audacity to feel that they had more right to what they stole than we do - the legitimate owner to keep it. How dare they we think! 

We then feel fear because if there is someone who can assume that they have more right to something which is legitimately ours, just imagine how what else they can do. They can take our privacy or our safety or our security away just because they feel that they have greater rights to violate those things than we do to have our privacy, security and safety maintained.

The result of this reflection is that we had this experience and we have these "I's" because we have stolen in the past.

Because to feel angry and scared means that we know the psychology of stealing - because we have stolen before.

End (5053).

Personality Conditioned Menu - (5052)

Our personality conditions us so much. Which is not such a problem while we are living in our country of birth, but I think what is worse is not being aware of how it conditions us. Because not knowing how and by how much it conditions us, means that we can't ever undo that when we may want to.

This is the typical personality conditioned eating scheme that we tend to live by: 

🏡 We like and eat the food that we ate when we were growing up - dishes cooked at the family home.

👅We have one or two ordered foreign dishes that we like. We have our one or two asian dishes or Indian dish we always as for. 

🌍We tend to eat even if we are neutral about it, some common foods or condiments of the country we were brought up in. 

🍇If we are more refined or health conscious we opt for fresher and organic or natural products.


🍫If we are not to health conscious we eat lots of popular confectionary and savoury snack type of foods.

That's about it, right? There's not too much outside of that right?

The interesting thing is that when we are not aware of this we think that we are the ones who have crafted our eating scheme.

End (5052).

Wednesday 28 February 2024

Three Rays Notes - (5051)

Here are links to posts with notes about the rays of: death, life and love.

Ray of Death

Ray of Life

Ray of Love

End (5051).

Monday 26 February 2024

Masks of the Egyptian Gods - (5047)

Why is Anubis depicted as having a jackal as his head mask?

We know that the real Anubis seen in the superior worlds may not wear a mask.

We know that the ancient Egyptians depicted the Gods as wearing masks of certain animals based upon symbols that represented certain archetypes related to the function and nature of the Gods.

The jackal is an animal that the ancient Egyptians observed as one that would frequently visit the cemeteries and places of the dead.

Anubis it is said, was the God of the underworld, the God that the recently deceased would first face in the new journey without their physical body- hence the jackal head.

The hawk is the most far seeing of birds, it is swift, it is a bird of command and prey and holds much respect, making it fitting for Osiris the all-seeing God of the skies.

End (5047).

Symbols and the Consciousness - (5048)

It seems like there are certain living energies that move through the collective consciousness of human beings. 

It seems like these energies are universal and have their origin far above the minds of human beings. 

The Holy Grail is one such archetype. This is what Master Samael says about it.

"For sure, the Knights of the Middle Ages looked for that Chalice, from which the Christ drank in the Last Supper (symbol of the Yoni), however they never found it, this is obvious. But as a memory of those times, the quest for the Holy Grail, and the fight against the Moors, the Cup remained in the Olympics (the Cup  that is given to the winners in the Olympic Games, has the origin of that Cup). Do not forget that it represents the Yoni, that is, the female sexual organ. So, in the realm of the Suprasexual, the Chalice and the Spear are sacred..."

The archetype carries a certain life, which is what gives it, its perennial presence through the ages. If something has life, always implicit inside of something that life is a living principle.

It is this principle that is alive and moves through the consciousness and collective consciousness of the world.

It is also this principle that captures the imagination and heart of human beings, just Master Samael alluded to with the Holy Grail. 

The Holy Grail represents the Alchemy, sacred sexuality which is the key to all power and regeneration is the primordial quest of residing deep in all human beings. We all strive in various ways to empower, transform and rejuvenate ourselves.

The very interesting thing to note here, is that when an archetype moves into the individual consciousness of the human being it is first known to us by a symbol. 

Only by a symbol entering our consciousnesses do we get to know these archetypes or living principles.

The symbol of course is not the archetype, the energy and life is the real archetype, yet the symbol itself represents the reality of the archetype and also tells us more about qualities, expressions and nature of the archetype so that we can better understand it.

Our consciousness uses the language of symbols. 

End (5048).

Sunday 25 February 2024

We Know More About Ourselves When we Hold Our Breath - (5050)

The sport of freediving is certainly not the normal quite interesting as it is very psychological. To participate in it no doubt one has to have a lot of control over one's mind and psychology.

“Freediving is a sport of self-discipline and self-awareness, where you learn to push your limits and unlock your true potential.” – Herbert Nitsch

Alessia Zecchini - who is considered the current greatest women's freediver - and one who has held and broken numerous world records is quoted as saying the following:

"We learn a lot about ourselves when we hold our breath." - Alessia Zecchini.

"Freediving is about inward power, discipline, and control. If you’ve overcome the fear of death and the risks inherent in the sport, you’ve truly conquered yourself.” – Natalia Molchanova.

Anyway for us who will never perhaps go on a freedive, we can understand the virtues of the psychology of a freediver by setting a point to hold our breath by. 

For example hold our breath for a certain time partly outside of our control, like when driving, say to yourself I will hold my breath until I make it around the corner, and we are left to trust in our capacity to hold our breath remain calm and that life clears the way for us.

To just observe the different thoughts that appear is like self-discovery. It is so interesting. Such alertness is also experienced and such presence arises.

Doing such an exercise shows us so much of the power of our mind over our physiology. When we think we won't make we then feel that we can't hold our breath anymore and we gasp for air, but when we do not think, we are there holding our breath and doing ok.

It also shows us so much about the power of trust. When we trust we can do things that amaze ourselves. I believe that is what the freedivers have tapped into within themselves - the power of trust and a quiet mind.

Freediving is a dance with the sea, where you learn to trust, surrender, and let go.” – Natalia Avseenko.

End (5050).

Saturday 24 February 2024

Transformation of Impressions Crystallizes Virtues - (5049)

If we were to transform impressions all the time, that is at every moment we receive an impression needing transforming, we would change at a rapid pace.

We would nourish tremendously our consciousness and our Inner Being. Our Inner Being is nourished from our transformation of impressions. The love that we make from transforming an impression nourishes our Inner Being.

To transform impressions exercises the virtues, and in exercising teh virtues they are strengthened and brought more and more into our psyche and therefore into our life here in the physical world.

In a single act of transforming an impression there is a shopping trolley full of values being put to work. One is sacrifice, one is consciousness, another is gratitude, humility, trust, patience, and of course love, faith and hope.   

Transforming impressions crystallises the values in our psyche. To such an extent that after transforming so many impressions we develop a new structure within our psche that naturally automatically calls forth the value needed to transform the impressions being received.

In short, actively transform lots of impressions! To transform impressions is to get our daily bread, which is the nourishment for our heavenly Father. We are given impressions to transform so that we can nourish our Father in secret - our Inner Being.

End (5049).

Wednesday 21 February 2024

Ray of Love Notes - (4783)


Here is a post on the ray of love. It is a collection of notes organised into categories similar to previous posts.

Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli (1485-1486)

Venus - The Goddess of Love and Beauty arriving on land, born of the sea.

In the Cosmic Sense

So much has gone wrong on the Earth because of human beings not knowing how to love - or rather forgetting how to love. 

The ray of love is needed to keep creation harmoniously together and orientated towards the Common Cosmic Father. 

From love, is derived all the values that are needed in creation. All these values are related to love and contain love.

Love is mostly all that we need. Love always presents the solution, it is the simplest solution, the most immediate and if there is conscious love all around, it is understood as the best. It is our minds and our lack of love that really complicate things and make things close to impossible.

It is the role of the Angels of Love to teach humanity once again about love and about how to love.

Love is what holds everything in the cosmos together. It is the love of the Absolute for Itself that holds all in its march. Love is a cosmic and ontological force beyond measure. It has been said by many to be the force of forces.

It has been said that love is the force which all the Gods kneel down before. We all feel in our hearts that it is the noblest of the noblest.

Love is ever present surging through everything and it is also created and renewed from instant to instant. The ray of love knows the mysteries of love, especially the mysteries of about how it is created!

Sexuality and love hold the greatest mysteries of our origins and that of the Absolute.

It has also been said that the love amongst humans is something that missing from within the Absolute - the world of the Gods, and it is their bodhisattvas in the physical world that teach them of this love.

Let's imagine love to be the fibres of the Absolute. Love is ontological, meaning it is directly of the Divinity and that is why love is present everywhere just as the Absolute is - divine omnipresence. 

To be a foundation of all creation, love can only be a unifying, conscious and intelligent force. Perhaps we may even say a benevolent force as the following several points illustrate.

Love gives the solution to all. 

Love gives the correct focus and application of the virtues of the soul.

Love is said to be the force of forces.

Love orients and sets all in the right direction. 

Love is Law but conscious love (a phrase which requires meditation and reflection to comprehend).

Love cures all. 

Love is the force behind sacrifice and it is what makes difficult sacrifices bearable and sustainable.

The whole cosmos is moved through sacrifice.

Love is like a multi-spectrum beam of light. It has so many facets and ways that our mind can't possibly understand. It is only our consciousness that can truly see all the facets of love.

God is the source of love. 

Love is not so critically needed up there where God is, it is however needed down here on Earth. The Ray of Love in is charge of bringing the love of God down to Earth.

Love is fed with love. Above all we must not allow our love inside of ourselves to diminish. We must keep it flowing within us, because if we allow it to dry up, we will become miserable and internally impoverished. Love nourishes!

Love is the solution for all events. Love by itself or love combined with other qualities, love and wisdom, love and force, love and medicine, love and art, love and life, love and death, love and law solve everything.

Love is extraordinarily wise. Just as Master Samael says in relation to Angel Anael - angel of Love, that this angel is very wise, "that he posses an extraordinary wisdom".

It touches each one of us to learn about love and about how to love. It is something that we can't ignore in creation.  

Love starts and moves while wisdom steers and justice proportions.

Love is at our core and is the easiest thing to release. Many have said that what we really are is: love.

Love as the focus, is the right balance in all situations small and great.

Love frees and unites. If we want to unite and want to be free we must love.

Conscious love resides in intelligence not in emotion. I will explain that later on.

The ray of Love streams from the planet Venus in our Solar System and is brought to living expression by the Angels of Love who work in harmony with the guidance of the great Being called Uriel - regent of the planet Venus.

It is interesting to note that Uriel was the rector of the Lemurian race, where the division of the sexes occurred and the sexual co-operation first begun. Thus the point in hisotry where love was most needed then ever before.

Unfortunately, some of the religions have served as an obstacle to bring love down and spread it among human beings.

The teaching of Gnosis have done much to help the Ray of Love to bring love down here to Earth. There are many in Gnosis who also belong to the ray of love.

In the Esoteric Sense

Love is what saved Beelzebub from his fate of annihilation in the depths of the abyss. Love is what saves us! Love is what the Divine Law respects and is what defends us against the hard hand of the Law, and it makes the Law change hands from the hand of rigour to the hand of mercy.

It is karma that hampers love and stops it from triumphing. We have seen it too many times in our planet, all the old conflicts, that despite all the efforts to love, there still is no end in sight, because the accumulated karma does not allow it.

Unfortunately, the Law of Karma temporarily sits above love, but give love time to work, and it will create equality and level all the imbalances paying the karma and thus triumphing.

Love is the main force that can contend with karma. If we want to pay our karma pay it with love and it will be paid in acceleration.

Love has the power of ecstasy in it. It takes us into ecstasy. Divine Love is our goal. To be taught what Divine Love is, is the highest teaching.

No doubt Jesus taught us the virtue of love. See how strong love is! His example showed us the strength of love.

It is difficult to speak about love as those who listen hold one to account. Love is the virtue amongst all that people demand and expect from others the most.

Love is what lubricates things. It is what makes the different interests and forces outside and inside to work smoothly together.

Love is only real when it is accepted.

A multi-faceted love is the one we need to develop. One that goes inwards to ourselves, one that goes to the Being and one that goes out to others in the many different degrees and ways is the love we need in our hearts. As opposed to a love that only goes inwards wanting to receive...

Each ego has love within it. A love, however conditioned by relativity and duality to be love for ourselves through others.

There are many types of love. Sensual, emotional and conscious. Human and divine.

Those of the ray of love are strong, they are not kind and compassionate to the ego or personality. They are ardent flames for love of love. 

We need the love of love not the love for the ego or the personality.

The knowledge of what diminishes love is one of their treasures as to what builds and sustains love.

Love is the force that gave rise to magic. As love itself is a magic force. The search for love and the desire to secure love is what gave rise to so many different magical spells, potions, rituals and practices of all sorts.

In the Sense of the Being

The best place to put love is in our Inner Being.

A self-less love as taught by the Inner Divinity is best. Disinterested love. 

Humanity is best served with disinterested love.

Those of the ray of love have the role to teach love. To teach others how to love and to how radiate love is one of their roles. The best way to teach love is to give it - therefore teaching by example.

The angels of love work to uphold the forces of love wherever present in the cosmos.

The love for the work. Work for love of the Interior Divinity is something we can not do without. We have to one day love the work and love our interior Divinity. It is this love that moves us forward.

We need the love of love. Not the love of the self or the "I".

Freedom in love, the power of love, the unity of love are also infinite.

Obviously in these times the Ray of Love has its most intense work cut out for it. Love is so devoid in this world.

Love works according to its own time. It is not of time nor of space!

The Angels of Love are not to be seen as all sweetness and beauty, they are interested in us developing love and they know well, as does the Gnostic student who understands the doctrine, that love grows when we eliminate what is animal inside of us. To ask an angel of Love for help to love, may mean an intense experience in our own abyss to better know what we have inside that destroys love.

The angels of love are strong and wise. They love and in loving is their strength, as love has a tremendous power, and in the endeavour to love, it releases within us much wisdom about how to love better.

The angels of love can gift us the seeds or sparks of love upon which we must work to build up our own love. They kindly give us a start! Sometimes without that start we would never grow in love.

To love more and better is always our goal.

Love knows intimately about the transformation of impressions. Love can transform so many impressions effortlessly.

Love must be cultivated to dissolve many "I's" and to pay many karmic debts.

Alchemy is a place where a powerful love is made. As soon as the connection in man and woman in Alchemy is made, love between both is sparked into presence. As the creative energies of love build and expand with transmutation through the physical and vital bodies, a point arrives that the creative energies begin to expand and reach the inner bodies. With the rememberance of the Being the energies touch and envelope the two Divinities which then unites the same two Divinities with the creative energies, which then causes man and woman to be filled with love. Which after the practice of Alchemy, when man and woman disconnect, both man and woman are able to bring this love they created with their interior Divinty, to others in the world. Thus radiating love!

In the Human Sense

The greatest problems in the world are when love has gone astray or has been repolarised into hatred.

It is the lack of love that has brought human beings so much trouble. It is obvious that is what is needed now, more than ever. 

We need to believe in love. The big problem now days is that we don't believe in love as a formidable force to set things right and solve our problems and the problems of others.

Wisdom does not make anyone happy but love certainly does. We need love in life to bring us happiness, contentment and joy.

We are scared of love because when it is blind it can forget others and its force can lead us to make many big mistakes.

We all want to feel love - even if our mind rejects that deep down, in our essence and Being, we want it and love is a part of the fibres of our Being and essence.

To create love we must be in the present. We can not create love being in the past. Love stands with intelligence, which is in the moment, the emotion is the past which is the self (the previous hurts), and as soon as we remember the past, love disappears.

We all want and appreciate love. It is love that we look for the most. We love love and others who love us. We are not too concerned about the wisdom of others, or their hope or their faith. But most of all about their love.

Love is a big part of our lives and we need it to nourish ourselves.

It is more important to give love than to receive it. Give more than receive is the guide.

We need it to make our life enjoyable. Otherwise life becomes empty and dry.

We feel the best when we have love flowing through our heart.

We hold justice and account, to the love of others. We too often say "you don't love me." but we forget to think about how much we are actually loving.

Love makes us clairvoyant. With love we can see what is often hidden. with love we can see the good that is often not seen and with love we can see the solutions hiding outside the mind's reasoning.

The ill-will in anger destroys clairvoyance. If we are to dissolve anger we will easily become clairvoyant and free up a lot of love.

The love we need is the love that is strong. Tempered. A weak love is no good. It can't solve anything, it fails so quickly.

The love we want is precisely the love we need to give.

Love indeed is a virtue that when applied cures so many difficulties.

For example, difficulties in the Alchemy can be overcome a lot easier when one applies the virtue of love. Love for the practice, love for the Beings and love for the other and their energy.

The way of love is not to make/force ourselves to love another. It is to make love within us. There are true mysteries about how to make love. One of them, the greatest mystery, is that about how to make love with the other person with the sexual energy.

To love we have to forget our pre-conceptions and conceptions and be totally open to the new and the now!

Love Conquers all. Love is behind all wars and conflicts, it makes the worst of things to happen and the best of things to happen. It is the cause of the worst and the healer of all and the transformer of all.

The ray of love teaches us how to make love. In all the many ways. We can not give love if we have no love within us. We have to learn how to make love for ourselves. Of course, with the teachings and help of the Ray of Love.

Love can dissolve many aggregates and with love many virtues can be acquired. Love is the foundation of many virtues. Without love there is no courage, without love there is no gratitude, without love what is there?

Those of the ray of love may have had many spouses or relationships. Either to learn the many ways of love through different natures and to love more.

Love without order or consciousness turns to anger and or promiscuity. 

Love can not be defined and as such to relate well to it is must not be defined. That is, its nature is to not be defined but when it is present it is known. 

To define is for the mind and it is mind that kills love.

We can't always rely on the love of others but we must learn to make our love so strong that we can rely on it.

The paradox of love is that it is the most powerful thing in the Universe but yet it is so hard to find and locate within us, and we think we have it, yet often we do not.

There are those that dislike love as it has contributed to much injustice. Therefore, conscious love that is fair and balanced does not commit injustice.

Fall in love is not good, because that means to turn off your consciousness and shut your eyes. Be in love is better. Because it means to keep your consciousness awake.

If we stay being in love our love will never end. But for sure if we fall in love our love will end. To be in love and keep love alive requires a great effort of presence and alertness.

The way of love is gentle firmness, especially to be noted by the masculine.

Many times, anger is due to the absence of love. Both anger and love can reach the same result. It is the lack of love that invokes anger. Because we have forgotten the power of love and we have forgotten how to use love. 

Love is more powerful than anger and pride, as well as much more erotic and arousing than lust.

Those of the ray of love can surprisingly have a strong anger and lust, as these defects serve as constant reminders of love and a means to further develop and conquer love. As those two defects are especially conquered with love. 

Those of the ray of love can pass through many marriages as that is the way to learn the most about love and perfect love as well as to love more and to extend their love to many more others.

To those of the ray of love it is innate and natural for them to perceive love and they also possess the powerful inner sense to be love. For them the way back to the Inner Being is through love.

Those of the ray of love find love as the solution and end up in their lives - making it the go to point. In common life they speak a lot about it and develop a loving personality, and they sing and write about it. They have to promote it and express it. For those on the path, they work intensely with mystical death as they know that love is made with psychological death. To work in psychological death with love is the most powerful creator of love.

The fourteenth Dalai Lama said that "love is the absence of judgement.". Which is so true as soon as we judge with our mind love diminishes within us. The mind is always the one that diminishes (kills) love.

The amazing and intense miracle of love is that it transforms something hated into something loved. Each ray transforms its opposite into a living expression of itself. The angels of love work tirelessly to transform what is hated into love. There are various means to do this and remembering that the consciousness is not good or evil, various interesting unconventional methods can be used.

Sometimes it is confusing to find one's ray when it is indeed love because those of the ray of love can couple nicely with art and wisdom and have a great tendency to those other areas and think that that is their ray but it isn’t, it is just the complement that they need to better express their authentic ray which is the ray of love.

End (4783). 

Monday 19 February 2024

Honest in the 49 Levels of the Mind - (5046)

Really hearing this... means to stay quiet and meditate, and meditate again and again, comprehend and comprehend. Then dissolve and dissolve...

End (5046).

Sunday 18 February 2024

Filter of Others so Strong But it Can Change - (5044)

We can along the way develop such negative concepts of others. These negative concepts come to act as very narrow filters that twist and change anything we see or hear about others, into the same negativity expressed in the concept.

Sometimes these filters serve as karmic elements that because of karma, another person can not be seen in a normal or neutral light.

If we see a person negatively we will act towards them negatively.

No matter what is said about a person these filters take whatever that is said the wrong way and in a negative sense. There is no way that whatever is said will be taken in a neutral, normal or correct (balanced) way.

These filters start off as concepts. These concepts and filters take a long time to change. They can however be changed with the intervention of others that are well respected.

Of course an intense and deliberate work can also change them but that is often the last thing that is thought about.

End (5044).

Denying Information - (5045)

Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master

Pravin Lal

This sometimes can be true when we don't share our knowledge or wisdom with others.


It can be pride that withholds knowledge and it can also be ill-will.

End (5045).

Thursday 15 February 2024

Prayer to Strengthen Hope, Faith and Love - (5042)

We must make our start developing these virtues first through prayer.

As said earlier the best place of all the places to deposit these three virtues is in our Real Being.

Pray and pray sending love to your Inner Being, hoping in the power of your Being and believing in your Inner Being.

Only a love that is strong can help us to face the ego in us. A weak love and a weak faith is no good, the ego easily steps over a weak love and faith. 

We need to make these virtues strong. We start with prayer and applying them in action when the difficulties come to us.

End (5042).

Karmic Force, Confusion and the Ego - (5041)

Karma comes to us from inside and outside at approximately close to the same time. 

Karma comes to us as waves from inside and outside.

The waves of karma first appear from inside.

When they the waves are welling up from the inside they seem to appear like out of nowhere and from outside even.

The intermediate mind often likes the concept of synchronicity that the timing of the karmic wave is in sync with some external event.

The truth is if we did not have that karm nor that ego there would be no synchronicity.

The forces of karma inside and outside activate with intensity the exact painful egos that have a painful history within them. 

Serenity is often the first casualty. Then the casualties of hope, faith and love follow. Serenity is the virtue most important to not let fall. The virtues behind it can be intelligently used to cause it not to fall. Hope, faith and love can cause it not to fall. 

When the forces of karma come close to us, the confusion begins and when they are upon us the confusion is at its greatest.

Often out of confusion we do the wrong thing or revert back to the same mistaken way. The correct way seems to be obscured.

To survive the karmic wave - an intense state of alertness is required. Stronger than we have ever produced so far.

End (5041).

Painful Terminating Streak in the Ego - (5040)

There is a streak in some egos that are about: "fed-up", "can't handle more", "no-more", "don't want anymore of this"... 

There is this tendency to want to terminate things...leave our job and find a new one, pull out of a group, quit some activity, cut off a friendship, leave a relationship etc. etc.

All of those feelings come from having our 'nose being rubbed in' what we have done to others in the past. That is, the things we did to them that was against their will.

What happens when we really understand the hurt we have caused others: we say to ourselves: "I'll never do that again". Which is the opposite of those feelings in the first sentence of this post.

The curious thing when we hear the "I" in us saying the above words, there is this feeling of past pain and pain projected into the future...

We know that this feeling can only be the "I" as the consciousness does not identify with the past and does not project into the future.

When that "I" displaces the terminating thinking goes and we are left a little confused...

The hypnotic grip is powerful we believe that what we "can no longer stand" is something ethically, cosmically, lawfully not supported. Yet it is an ego and in the silence of the mind it is our reality that we are living.

The only real and sane thing before us to lawfully, ethically and cosmically make a new reality which has its base in the dissolution of the "I" and in paying our karma. 

The only way to dissolve those "I's" is with a definite decision to eliminate them.

End (5040).

Stop and Review for Full Correct View - (5039)

Often we don't form a full and correct view of an event or a time spent with others - such as a day or an afternoon.

We only remember certain parts and based on these parts we come to a conclusion about the event.

Often it is an upset ego that remembers and the ego only remembers what concerns it.

We can't allow ourselves to go with the ego's view or judgement of the event.

We have to go with the view of consciousness, which is the neutral and correct view. The consciousness is NUETRAL.

To do that, we must review the whole event - seeing all its parts and then come to a conclusion. We can be assured that we will reach a different conclusion to that of the upset ego.

End (5039).

Wednesday 14 February 2024

Key to the Day is to Define what You Want for the Day - (5038)

We spend so many of our days not getting anywhere certain... 

The truth of it, which sooner or later dawns upon us, is that we somehow get out of the day what we have defined it for.

If we have not defined it for anything then we don't get much out of it.

Our different egos, recurrences and karma always have some will to do something in our day but the result of all three of those forces working on our day, is an "all over the place" kind of a day.

To consciously set our day to do something, and be clear about it inside of ourselves, leads us into a mode to work towards what we are wanting.

When we are working towards something we don't want to do, know or see anything else. We arrive at focus which equals flowing.

End (5038).

Tuesday 13 February 2024

The Flavour of Real Work - (4911)

What does real work on ourselves feel like?

To be really working means to be focussed on moving the development of something within us forward.

That focus gives us a certain feeling of working on something.

We don't have to worry about results. When we are working we will get that feeling and that feeling is there to tell us that results will come when we are ready.

Inner development could be the work towards the dissolution of an "I" or work in awakening or developing a faculty or acquiring some inner knowledge... There are really many things.

To be really working is to have a mission that we work on several times during the day. Whenever we have some spare minutes and intently during the time that we make for it.

This is a good feeling to achieve within us and to live out from. It strengthens the three virtues of hope, faith and love. It is actually these three virtues in action.

End (4911).

Monday 12 February 2024

Truly Ready to Die when Ready to go Tough It Out! - (5037)

What stops us from truly dying in ourselves is not being ready to pay the price for it.

The price is most always some kind of discomfort of varying degrees.

The more comprehension we have the easier it is to pay this price.

Often when the pain of having an ego is so great we are ready to pay the price because to continue having that ego is paying a higher price than the price to dissolve it.

Because we decide to die in ourselves we are faced with undoing that which we have come to like or enjoy or depend upon. 

That is uncomfortable, finding new internal alternatives or depending more on ourselves from inside or making more effort is the tough and uncomfortable part...

That is the price waiting for us all to pay. 

We have to prepare ourselves to pay the price, then we ready pay it and receive what we are paying for - which is our essence free with the new virtues it brings.

End (5037).

Sunday 11 February 2024

Right and Left Brain - (5035)

At any given moment we can tell which part of our brain is active. Just place our attention on our brain to sense which side is active.

Then take note of what we are doing with our attention and thoughts and we will build up our self-knowledge of what each side of our brain is used for.

The different virtues use different areas of our brain. This we can observe to find out as well.

End (5035).

Flavour of the "I" Notes - (5034)

We have to really work through the flavour of each "I". There is so much there for us to learn.

It reveals all the information that we need. 

Experiences that we have later on in dreams or in meditation (visions) confirm what is revealed by the flavour of the "I".

We need attention and concentration to draw out the obtuse flavour of the "I" into the light where our consciousness can apprehend it.

Trust what you gleam from the flavour of the "I". It is correct!

Each "I" has a distinct psychological quality. Which is really the particular psychological feeling that is set up by the thoughts and emotions of the 'I" when it is active in our human machine.

When the ego takes control of the human machine there appears the unique flavour of that "I". IT is if it is saying: "Here I am in control now, and this is what I am all about".

The flavour of the "I" is the essence trapped in the "I" talking to us. What it says toi us is summarised or encapsulated in a feeling in that flavour.

Through the flavour of the "I" we can hear directly from the piece of essence that is trapped in the bottle of that ego. Amazing right?

Once we have learnt this flavour, it is unmistakable to us, and we can always know when it one or another ego present in our human machine.

Self-deception disappears when we know the flavour of the "I" or of any of the "I's" that we have for that matter.

End (5034).

Change of Attitude Towards the Karmic Instrument - (5030)

Each karmic instrument has the role of amending things that are out of balance or out of order.

A karmic instrument is sent by the law of balance to put things back to balance or to set up a new balance in line with the current order of things.

A karmic instrument, if amending things in the wrong way accrues karma, that is undeniable. However the proviso applies, that for the karmic instrument to accrue karma the karmic instrument must know better, or know about the psychological work. Karmic instruments such as animals or very young children don't accrue karma because they do not know better or are not doing the psychological work.

In the very beginning we don't like the action of the karmic instrument and we develop a negative attitude towards it.

Later, when we awaken a little to what the role of the karmic instrument is, we see the benefits of the action of the karmic instrument to our esoteric and psychological work.

Then our attitude changes.

End (5030).

Self-Remembering is Holding Purpose - (5033)

Self-remembering above all is about holding purpose.

It is about remembering our purpose for each day of our life in the work.

Remembering every hour, slowly increasing to every 45 minutes to every half hour and so on.

Forgetting our purpose we forget ourselves.

All work begins on ourselves when we remember our purpose. If we forget our purpose we forget to work on ourselves aslo.

All consciousness and voluntarily action starts with and depends upon remembering our purpose.

Forming a purpose is also an act of self-remembering.

Constantly remembering your purpose with emotion creates and strengthens will.

End (5033).

Saturday 10 February 2024

Hold Hope, Faith and Love in a Difficulty and All Will be OK! - (5032)

Having hope, faith and love does not prevent difficulties from coming to us. They help us to overcome difficulties when they come our way.

There is a difference. To believe that having hope, faith and love is to prevent difficulties from coming to us is a false belief. 

Difficulties have to come to us, and they will come to us, because it is only through them that we can strengthen these three ontological values. 

If we strengthen these values we are strengthening our connection to our Inner Being and we are also strengthening our Inner Being.

Let's observe what happens when we succumb to a difficulty, what are the essential things that happen to us? We lose hope, we lose faith and we lose love. We end up thinking that the project will not work out, we don't believe in the project anymore and we polarise against it and start to 'hate' the project.

So in any hard time that we go through, the answer Gnosis would tell us, is to keep a good grip on the these three virtues of: hope, faith and love holding them up as high as we can within us. 

In a hard time these three virtues will make everything alright especially within us where it counts the MOST!

End (5032).

Hope, Faith and Love - Ontological Values - (5031)

The values of hope, faith and love are ontological or theological. Meaning they allow us to manifest the Being. These values put us into direct contact with the Being. They concern our Inner Being.

Not all the values reach the ontological sphere. The teachings tell us this. 

If we ever want to get in touch with our Inner Being we can through these values.

These three values are the shield for our Being to stand the trial of matter. These values defend the Spirit in the crossing with matter.

These three values are the foundations of our psyche. Indeed if we take anyone of them away our psyche will fall into disarray. 

These are dynamic forces within us which we primarlily use to overcome difficulties. 

It is not because we have faith that the difficulties will not come, they will come, but it is because we have faith we will get through the difficulties.

It is also true that difficulties are sent to us to make these values stronger in us.

End (5031).

Thursday 8 February 2024

Seeing and the Feeling Sense - (5029)

Before our consciousness is awakened enough and or able to accesses our third eye, we perceive our inner worlds or psychological country through feeling. That is through our felt-sense.

For example, when there is something wrong with our heart, kidneys or stomach we feel that there is something wrong. We feel pain, tightness or swelling. We don't all of a sudden see what is wrong. We only feel.

We feel the different movements within our body. We directly feel our stomach turning, our digestion working, our heart beating, our lungs breathing, our bladder filling up. We don't directly see any of these things.

The same thing applies to our psychology. We don't see directly our psychology we feel it directly. We feel so many different pangs, pains, so much tightness and constriction, butterflies and many different strange flavours of feelings.

Those feelings are precious to us as they are telling us what is wrong. We just need to know how with our attention to decipher them.

The more elevated sense is to see as it reveals immediately the situation to work with.

Though until we see, we have to become adepts at decoding our sense of feeling. With careful attention placed on the feeling, for the due time we bring the unknowiness of the feeling into the light from the dark. Then once in the light we can convert that feeling into words that our conscious mind can address, understand and work with.

End (5029).

Wednesday 7 February 2024

Flying Pen - Essence, Ego and Personality - (5019)

Little Story Introduction

A little story showing how the conditioning of life works.

It shows how powerful the conditioning of life is, what aim it has and how it works on us. 

From the beginning we saw things innocently with the essence, then later something changed that innocent vision to 'see' something else. The long and tiring experience of that 'something else' sparked an awakening to recover the innocent view but with a difference. This difference being consciousness.  

Flying Metal Pen

When we first get on a plane, it is exciting. We are in the moment! We are excited to travel, explore and enjoy our new destination. 

At the same time there is a sense of awe about how such a big 'metal pen with wings' filled with so many people and their luggage is going to take off and maintain itself in the air for so long and travel at such a high speed. It all of a sudden seems so precarious a situation…

It is so novel, it is not our everyday experience and it is so interesting and amusing. Pondering why we and these people in particular are sharing a relatively small room together for a number of hours is something really interesting. 

We are given a debrief on what to do in an emergency and we think deep down I hope it doesn't happen then something replies its not going to happen it happened before somewhere else but not now to us.

In conclusion here there is that wonderful excitement of being in the moment yet there is the at awareness of how interesting and precarious a situation is .

Life Sets In

After the miracle takeoff we are flying and we look inside the cabin and we see the glossy magazines, with shiny high end products to purchase and dream of, we see a vast collection of movies and entertainment to chose from and a menu of drinks that comfort us to order from.

There are the flight attendants of which one we find a little fascinating, there are the amusing fellow passengers to observe, the comfortable chairs to recline and the noise cancelling headphones to feel right at ease, the snack and the meals to look forward to. 

Then there's the wild ocean with no-one around, 33,000 feet directly below.

Forget and Sink into Comfort

Then we just forget the ocean, the precariousness, the preciousness of life and its every moment, and we just focus on the comfort or on forgetting. 

We then start to dream falling asleep to the precariousness. Even fear lulls us further into the sleep of our consciousness. Slowly we forget our initial view and concentrate on the drink, entertainment and people. We complain when things are not to our liking and we wish that the pilot would push the plane a little harder to get there quicker and now we are fully seeing something that was novel and awe inspiring as a 'run of the mill' human experience.


The conditioning of life works over the top of the view of the essence and its starts by us focusing on the comfort and the ease of things taking us to the mere human. It's the impressions of comfort that buffer reality that cause us to sleep and is the 'conditioning of life'.

The conscious transformation of this experience is that the precariousness and danger of flying is known and felt without fear yet not forgotten, while the comforts are enjoyed but not to the extent of forgetting or denying with wrong thinking the implicit danger and awe.  

End (5019).

Tuesday 6 February 2024

What is the Point to Feel More Pain? - (5028)

When we are feeling pain and we speak, write or act to directly to inadvertently bring more pain, what is the reason, what is the purpose, what is the gain, what is the payback?

In those special moments when we ask ourselves, we find that there is no gain or payback but to feel more pain and the sense of being more in a hole, drawing pity upon ourselves! 

What is the point then to feel more pain? None! We are doing the absurd. It only makes sense then to liberate ourselves from suffering!

Pain can win and it has many times in history, but we have to be different and not let it win. If it wins it only brings more pain and cements pain as a constant life after life companion.

End (5028).

Attack, Hurt, Harm, Damage - Pain Psychology - (5027)

Following on from the previous post, the realization that there is a conditioned part of our essence that wants pain is a very very important realization.

We think how ridiculous, that there is a part of ourselves conditioned to want pain. We think that we don't want pain, that we are just angry, hurt or upset from what others have done to us. 

Though with a bit of analysis we will see that really there is something within us that is interested in pain. 

To break that illusion that there is not an "I" in us that wants pain, we need to do some analysis. With analysis or via a conscious discovery we can break that illusion.

This discovery that there is an "I" within us that wants pain, helps us to make steps to let go of pain especially when this "I" of pain is there, because we understand now that its aim of feeling pain is senseless, that there is no other objective to it than to feel pain. Just like pressing on a wound that is healing to feel pain with no other objective.

When the "I" that likes pain is present there is no plan to get better or to heal or help others. Deep down it wants to destroy things with pain, hoping that it will reach the love of the Inner Being or cause the love of the Inner Being to come out.

Our history - Our Inner Being. Forgetting that we fall into lots of pain and difficulty.

Unfortunately that doesn't really happen. Because we have forgotten the Being, and we forget that we are with the Being and the Being is us, and it is us that has to love our Being and our essence to stop the pain and bring out the love that transforms it all.  

It' just does not happen that hitting ourselves and hitting ourselves causes some love to automatically appear within ourselves and transform everything, That is not in accordance with the laws of things. This behaviour does not align with the Law of reciprocity, we can't get love from pain, but we can get love from love! Yes we can! How can we be responsible people causing pain to get love? Many teenage children do that with their parents, take drugs and do crimes to get love but they end up breaking away from their family and get put into a detention centre and the misery and pain gets worse.

We attack, hurt or harm others to bring ourselves more pain because deep down that really hurts us. We know that by doing that we 'shoot ourselves in the foot'. In fact we only inflict pain because we are feeling pain.  

There is a part of our essence that is conditioned to mechanically inflict pain. Where does it come from? From the past - from so many experiences of life having gone wrong with painful feelings as a result. From having forgotten our Being and attributed all this suffering to It.

We know with the word or with physical hits etc. we inflict harm, and we may not even want what we say to happen or want others to suffer physical damage, we just want them to 'feel' pain. That is the proof that this "I" is present in us, it just wants to feel pain and make others to feel pain too.  

If we dissolve as taught in Gnosis, our pain, we will not inflict pain on others. The reason why we keep inflicting pain on others is because we still carry a lot of it inside ourselves.

Often the pain that we carry inside comes out in relationships and there we have to act quickly because if not soon we start to dislike ourselves and the dislike for others starts and expands. There is then only two ways out, mechanically dissolve the relationship and others that follow, or dissolve what "I's" cause the pain.

End (5027).

When Struggling Worst Thing to do Is Isolate - (5026)

When we are struggling with our work, the worst thing that we can do is to drop contact with others who are working on themselves.

Other people are such a wonderful help: visibly, tangibly and also very importantly - invisibly. Often the invisible help that we receive when talking to others is the biggest help. We can never underestimate how important the connection to others is.

Just talking to others when we are very low, especially even when we are not wanting or expecting to be helped, we are helped remarkably. 

We drop contact with others often because of inner negativity. We know that others are a great help and we know that we are cutting off our lifeline but because the "I" of negative self-compassion wrongly loves pain and wants to feel pain, we cut connection with others knowing that by doing that we will bring ourselves more pain and a kind of pain to others too.   

The realization that there is something in us that just loves pain, is such an important realization. 

This is because it will help to stop ourselves from bringing ourselves more pain, as well as stop us from exporting pain onto others, which brings pain by the law of karma to us.

End (5026).

Monday 5 February 2024

Can't Reverse Engineer Yourself to Find Your Ray - (5025)

We can't reverse engineer ourselves to discover the ray of our Being. It doesn't quite work out so well, it seems to open up the possibilities even more so, and create more confusion.

It only comes as insight or as a revelation of your consciousness.

This discovery is not the result of your mind.

It is however made to make sense or further explained, understood and expanded upon by the mind. But just not discovered by the mind.

What I mean by reverse engineer is that you take all your tendencies, nature and ways of thinking and feeling etc. and then try and match them to a particular ray. Head ache!

The ray inside you speaks to you revealing itself to itself which is also you.

End (5025).

If Something is Overwhelming? Analyze It! - (5020)

If something feels so overwhelmingly fascinating, powerful, important or painful, we have to analyze it!

Analysis is to break things down into smaller parts. 

Analysis is a tool of disassembly or in other words death or dissolution. 

When something appears to us to be a lot greater than it is really is, and other people also verify that it is nothing so overwhelmingly special, bad or good, then what we need is dissolution or death. 

Death reduces and breaks illusions. 

Break the thing down into its components and see that each component is nothing so fascinating or overwhelming. It is what it is.

This definitely helps! If this doesn't help, repeat it and repeat it until the consciousness grabs hold of it and 'sees'.

End (5020).

Want to Keep Something for Real? - (5024)

We may want to keep something someone gave us for as long as we can. We know in the back of mind that things happen in life beyond our control and we can't keep those special things forever... 

Then we think we can keep our memory of it and them for longer. Then we think know that we will even lose our memory as we get older. Then in despair we know we can only ever keep ourselves.

That is we can only ever keep our essence and our consciousness that is with it, in it and working through it.

This very moment is all we have - right now and if in this moment our attention is with our essence and we are being the essence we 'have' ourselves.

The more we practice this the more we will be able to keep ourselves and survive beyond the sleep of time and space.

End (5024).

Friday 2 February 2024

Memories of Black Magic Notes - (5023)

I think that at some point or another in the past we have had some kind of encounter with that which we could call 'black magic'. Master Samael in his book the "The Three Mountains" said that we all carry the "Castle of Klingsor" inside of us, and we have to sooner or later elimimate it from our interior.

When we are doing the work on ourselves and we are trying to understand some strangely strong feelings within us, some snap of a finger quick memory flashes appear. Which make us to understand something about ourselves, which is that at some point in the past we have known what 'black magic' is.

Frankly most of the people studying Gnosis in this life, don't have any experience or knowledge of it, but in the past that is something that we all can't vouch for. It also can be thought that thanks to that past experience that in this life the people studying Gnosis are not interested in such matters.

It is basically the egos in us that have the links to the practices, exercises or rituals of the other side.

For example, resentment, revenge, hatred and lust are the "I's" that have caused us to resort to engaging in some practices of the other side.

The intensity of the manifestation of these "I's" in the past lead us into soliciting the help or resorts of the other side.

So no doubt when we are working on these "I's" we will unearth those parts of those "I's" that resorted to the other side.

They are indeed the strongest parts of those "I's", because nothing else worked in human terms bar resorting to magic means for egoic purposes (black magic). 

We also have "I's" of 'balck magic' which in this life makes us curious about such topics and even we can catch these "I's" in action wanting to pick up and browse through a book about such things in a book store for example.

Obviously such "I's" inherently have a lot of karma in them. That they are are causal factors. Because to seek the services of the other side means to not play but to be seriously determined to make something happen.

A causal factor is will power that casued something to happen, of which made us to win either karma or dharma for ourselves and possibly others.

There are more serious aspects to this theme of the past and 'black magic' which require more esoteric remedies. 

End (5023).

Causal Factors Class Notes - (5022)


Notes taken during an online class.


Ultimately everything is internal. All our physical ailments ultimately have their cause deep within us.

The cause of the cause is the consciousness. Either awakened or asleep consciousness.

Etiology is the study of causes.

The actions of the essence affect all the parts of the Being. The essence is really the author of the dharma and karma.

Why does the essence have all this power, when the Being is the supreme power? A mystery!

The essence controls the physical body via the five senses. There are certain determining factors which we need to become aware of, if we truly wish to author our life differently to the direction in which it is currently following.

Note that the essence comes from the causal world. It is really a mini human soul. That is why when the essence grows she becomes the human soul.  

The essence develops itself into the category of soul. 

The centre of gravity of life is Atman and the centre of gravity in life is the essence.

The centre of gravity of life is not our mind. This is a great relief. All the negativity that the mind presents us with is NOT the centre, it is the side issue certainly not the central issue. The central issue is the essence.

To be able to cause for the Being we need to have an element of the identity of the Being active in us.

The aim of the essence is to arrive at the causal factors.

The most important thing is to keep our identity as an essence. The flow of life, the categorical imperative will become natural. 

The flow of life and the categorical imperative are instruments of causation. That is, of the cause making process. The causal making prcocesses must be caused in us, that is initiatied within us.

We have two ways of causing. One is from the mind and the other is directly from the causal world. In the second type the awakeneded consciousness causes in contact with the causal world.

Causing is the greatest power that the human beings have. It just depends on who is there causing. 

The sleeping consciousness does not know about the flow of life. This is because of the wrong perception of the event.

"Live from moment to moment in the flow of life that comes from me." Says the Inner being.

The most important fundament of the awakening is the IDENTITY! To awaken we must firmly take up the identity of the essence! 

Normally our identity comes from the abyss.

Karma really conditions our identity. The strong karma we have that often flattens us, contributes to creating within us a low self-image.

When others treat us as useless, the karma is teaching us a lesson that says: "Stand up and become useful and eliminate those weaknesses that make us weak.".

Why do we receive such tough treatment? Because we see ourselves as inferior and we attract that so that we can learn that lesson to overcome that harsh treatment.

The Divine Being within us is the one that is in charge of our P.P.P. The Being loves us and shows the virtue that we need by showing us the weakness which is the opposite of the virtue that we need.

We have to contrast our two images, one of the essence and the other of the ego - victim, defeated, depressed etc.

The law of the abyss is compensation. When we fail we justify and justify our way out of everything. 


There is only one way ahead and it is to triumph.

It is amazing how the essence awakens and displaces the ego from causing and it starts to cause.

It is better for the Being to feel us with force and not need to be strong. It is better to be strong in the Being. To be awakened inside the constitution of the Being is better than for us to be awakened as a separate entity.

Don't plan our path too much we don't know much about it. We have never created or made the esoteric path.

The ego of pride is the worst ego that we can have. It is what above all else throws the Gods to the abyss. 

Pride is a causal factor. It as a causal factor that wishes to conquer. Or if not it divides. 

We have to see the wrong side of causation. The wrong side brings us a lot of karma.

It is better to choose service other authority. 

Every Gnostic association is really a karmic vehicle as people come to the work under a Gnostic association to pay their karma.

For the ego to be a causal factor it has to have access to the three demons. 

Wanting to modify things in others is to invoke that causal factor/power. It is usually the casual egos that wish to change things. How many causal egos do we really have.

We need as a conclusion to make the essence the unique causal factor in us.

We should cause something from the positive side of life, from the doctrine, from the side of the work. 

If we bring our self-image of us that we have in life we are bringing the wrong causal factor to the path.

The causal factor must be the doctrine not the ego. 

To cause properly we need:

1.) To have our consciousness completely outside of the mind. 

2.) Concentration with a clean mind.

3.) Ask for that which we want. 

4.) Then implement what we receive.

If we receive something then it is our Being giving us the grace to cause and we must then cause as an essence NOT as an ego.

End (5022).