Wednesday 28 September 2016

Secret of Pain and the P.P.P – (5296)


This was a talk presented by my marvellous missionary about the principal psychological profile (P.P.P) and the secret of pain. I tis very practical and helpful.

We really need to free ourselves from pain. It is one of the main conditioners or bottlers of our consciousness. In order to awaken our consciousness, we must tackle our pain and liberate it so to be free of it or no longer conditioned by it.

A very beautiful tree just outside the retreat centre.

About the P.P.P

The P. P. P is our best teacher. It is our Being. It represents a huge cosmic value that we must learn about and acquire. The Being pays a high price to obtain this value (the value trapped in the P.P.P).

50% or more of the essence or even 50% of the Being is trapped in the P. P. P.

It is like a psychological philosopher’s stone. The psychological foundation upon which our self-realisation rests.

The most pain we feel comes from the P. P. P. It makes us to feel all the pain that we have inflicted on others. That is the occult source of our pain.

The Secret of Pain

The secret of pain is about values.

Pain is an emotion and a kind of a psychological perception.

It is about somebody causing an imbalance inside of us. It is about a harm or a wound that we feel we have suffered. It is a perception of harm, of unfairness and injustice.

We can not ask someone to co-operate with what is unjust because it is against the light justice of the Being.

The above is the reason why we can not ask someone to co-operate with what is unjust because it is against the nature of one’s own Being.

Karma and Pain

At the very root of it, karma is about self-punishment. It is about ourselves punishing ourselves. Not someone else punishing us.

Karma or pain is the way balance is restored in us. The pain that we feel is the way the pain that we have caused others comes back to us through our own Being and our own essence.

There is no other way that balance can be restored but through pain which is of the same value that we have inflicted on others. We can not expect to inflict pain and be paid back in a different value such as happiness for example, can we?

We must cancel psychological debts as quick as we can before they become kamic debts.

If we want to eliminate resentment we have to eliminate self-love.

The manager of the storehouse of our psychological debts is resentment!

The process goes Pride to Self-Love to Resentment to Hatred.

When all the resentments that we have are organised by the mind into one direction we develop inside of ourselves hatred.

Steps for Radical Dissolution of Pain

Step l.

It is not the other person hurting me! It is me doing it to myself! This realisation is very important!
If someone hurts us it is not the other person hurting us!

Step 2.

Pain is a receiver in us. When we understand this, a large percentage of the work on pain has been done, and we will then be able to stop the creation of resentment.

Step 3.

Why does pain come back to us? Because it is the same value that was inflicted upon others by us beforehand.

This realisation is a cause for celebration because we know what we have done and we know when and how it can be finished off.

We have to cancel all of our debts.

We have to compensate the debt with work upon ourselves!

We have to liberate the perception of pain from pain and suffering. This way we can defeat the law, and also the karmic programming.

We get pain because of how much we pride or appraise that value. When that value that we give is not reciprocated we feel pain because of an imbalance is created.

Step 4.

The reason why we feel pain is due to the loss of a value

Step 5.

We feel more pain depending on who was the one inflicting the pain.

If someone hurts us and yet we don’t have a very high value or regard for that person inside of ourselves, we still got hurt because a value inside of us was hurt, degraded, lost or broken etc.


Pain comes from values being hurt inside of us and the amount of pain that we feel comes from the importance or value or weight that we have placed or invested in that value.

To liberate pain we have o find those values that were hurt and that the importance that we have on those values outside of pain and suffering and perceive and know them in the Being and value them in the Being, not in our personality or person.

End (5296).

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