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Wednesday 28 February 2018

Conversations about the Workings of Karma - (2260)


Here are some notes of a conversation I had with my marvelous missionary the other day, sitting out the front of the house waiting for students to arrive to begin the class.

There with a slight breeze blowing, a few magpies and a willy wag tail swooping down to pick up a morsel or two of mainly small pieces of bread left out for them, with the sun slowly saluting the end of a day painting the sky soft orange-blue.

There, the mood is now set. Now for the conversation.

Point 1:

As people are asleep and don't know much about the way the Law applies karma, what happens to them seems so apparently unjust.

If they knew that a superior law washes away an inferior law, and they asked for this principle to be applied in their case, well, it would be applied in their case. If only they knew!

If we know them we can ask that this principle be applied for them. We can be their advocate.

Because they do not know and do not ask for this principle to be applied, the Law just applies the Law in such a way that it appears unfair. 

Gnostics have to appeal to this principle. Why is it that so many Gnostics find Gnosis and they have intense yearnings yet little or limited possibility of fulfilling those yearnings? It seems so tough of the law to do that. They must ask for this law to be applied to them in their case.

Point 2:

With our dharma or merits we buy and pay for things.

If we have enough merits we can move past a karmic impediment. If we do not have enough merits we may be given a loan or a credit, but on the condition that we can pay for it, that is pay it back.

If we are deemed not able to pay this credit back we are then in trouble. We must suffer and pay with pain. There is no other way.

When the Law applies karma it looks to the essence and the Monad, not to the person, nor the man nor the lady. They decide what is best for the essence, which may not be the best for the man or lady.

Sometimes when we can not pay they decide to retract our physical body from life, so that we can have a new body with new circumstances where we will be fitter and more able to pay. That seems so tough and cruel to us humans living here in this world but it is the love and compassion of the Law working in favour of the Monad and the essence of the person.


Merits once again is what we need! Once again we acquire merits by working on ourselves. The harder we work the more merits we earn!

End (2260).

The Desire to Have - (2259)


Within many egos is the desire to have. 

For some egos it occupies a central pillar. For other egos, other desires are more important, such as the desire ‘to be’.

Examples of such egos are lust and greed.

To desire ‘to have’ has one constantly chasing a very personal yet illusive idea or even ideal. A certain sum of money, a type of person, an estate, a position, etc.

The Cycle

Normally, what happens is that as soon as ‘one has’, one uses having that thing, as a reason to dismiss all the other possibilities of ‘to have’. Yet that desire remains alive. Later on, that desire rears its ugly head wanting something new and the chase begins again.

Peace and contentment are only temporary measures in the presence of this desire. Peace and contentment are relative to the temporary satisfaction of this desire. It is not true peace or contentment. True peace and contentment must be found outside of this cycle, outside of this desire.

To Possess

The desire to possess is present in lust. This is an illusion, no one can possess another. At least old age and death will take that person away.

Some egos just wish to know that they still can possess. That ‘they still have it’ so to speak. 

Success in working on that desire of ‘to have’ is to question the ideas or ideals that this desires pursues.

What does having such an ideal mean to us? Is the pertinent question here!

What it means to us is the weight that we put on having it. 

Is ‘having’, the feeling of ‘having’ more important than the actual thing? Sometimes, well most of the time it is certainly is. 

It is in this precise point that we have the door open to work on ourselves. Because that is purely a psychological opening that we can exploit. 

Curiosity and to have go together. Here to have the experience is more important than actually the experience.

End (2259).

Why we Hear, See and Feel with Our Consciousness - (2258)

Answers and Messages

Our consciousness answers the questions we have been asking us and wishes from time to time that we know something (who knows why) or are notified about something or sent a message about something, usually about our future.

A common characteristic of the revelations from the consciousness to a person, are that the person sees or hears or feels. It may be just that the person feels or it could be both seeing and hearing or just seeing. It all depends, I guess on the message or on the consciousness itself: a little bit of a mystery.

The consciousness speaks to our faculties or chakras and so that is why we see, hear, feel and perceive in other ways owing to the other chakras in our body being used by our consciousness.

The consciousness may speak to our clairaudience so that we hear a voice, or it may speak to our clairvoyance so that we see something or it may speak to our intuition so that we feel something in our heart.

Of course the consciousness can operate without these faculties, in that case it would be direct knowing and direct being, and we would perceive directly through being the consciousness.

End (2258).

Limbo and Speleologists - (2257)

Stuck in Limbo

The word ‘limbo’ in common usage means ‘to be in between’ or ‘stuck’, and it usually implies having to wait.

Esoterically this is true, though there is much more to it than that. This post attempts to present what Gnosis reveals about Limbo and why it may be relevant to us.

A Region

Limbo is a real physical location as well as an internal dimension. Which sounds strange doesn’t it, how could Limbo be both a physical region and an internal dimension at the same time? Well read on…

Both Dante and Master Samael locate Limbo in the first Dantean circle or the first infra-dimension of the planet Earth. 

What we mean by infra-dimension is that within the planet Earth there are particular layers to the inferior side of its psychology. Yes that’s right I just said that the planet has a psychology. The planet Earth also has it superior dimensions which are the various layers to the superior side of its psychology.

I say psychology because what Dante and Master Samael describe in relation to the Dantean circles or infra-dimensions are really that each circle or dimension has a particular psychological characteristic, which is the opposite in nature of what each heavenly sphere has as a psychological characteristic.

It is just the same as us, that within the deep levels of our mind dwell the very negative and dark sides of our psychology which produce very low states of consciousness, and within our superior dimensions we have the positive degrees of our psychology which are and also support higher and freer states of consciousness.

In Limbo

Master Samael describes limbo as the region (same as Dante Alighieri) that is the very first or outer most region of the planet Earth’s abyss. 

Master Samael describes it as the region that accommodates very virtuous, honest, kind and noble souls. He also describes it as a region where there is not too much suffering. There are only sighs rather than cries, great lament and the gnashing of teeth. They sigh Master Samael says because they live in constant desire with no hope. Maybe their desire is for the spirit? He did not specify.

He said those souls that are there did not sin and had even “acquired many merits and virtues, beauty and innocence”. 

He said though that they are there because they did not work in the Arcanum A.Z.F or in other words the Alchemy or sexual magic (supra-sexuality).

Master Samael says that the work with the spermatic waters of life is what is needed to enter the superior regions (heavens) of the Earth. There are many virtuous people in Limbo, though because they have not created the solar bodies before they have to remain there after their physical death.

This is the place where our loved ones (the ones not working Gnostically) will most likely go to when they die. It does not sound to be such a bad place. Certainly in relativity, much better than the Dantean circles that lie below.

Caves and Speleologists

Master Samael said that all the caves in the world make up a network and this network makes up limbo or the first region of the Earth’s infra-dimensions.

Speleologists are those that study, explore and specialize in the knowledge about caves. Some very spectacular caves have been discovered and studied fully, yet there are so many that are a mystery because they extend for so long and it is not known still how long they actually extend for.

There are even many underground caves that are filled with water and they are even more mysterious. All these caves have a reason to exist, just as do the rivers, mountains, lakes etc. all have their special reason for being part of the planet's anatomy.

Even though they are always in a cave the speleologists may not see the deceased souls living there. They may though if they are sensitive enough be able to perceive the general atmosphere of the cave which will link into the feeling and atmosphere of Limbo or of the first region of the Earth's abyss or infra-dimensions.

Perhaps if the speleologist were to drift off to sleep he or she may notice something different in the air and catch a glimpse internally of some of those souls in Limbo.

This is the only region that overlaps with a physical region. According to Master Samael there are caves in which one can walk for days, they even link continents, passing underneath the great oceans. 

End (2257).

Tuesday 27 February 2018

Why with Fear People Don't Eat nor Sleep Well - (2256)

Short Answer

Basically because we deny those things to ourselves when fear or anxiety is in our human machine. Read on though, to understand why…

Fear Produces Anxiety

Fear produces anxiety, and anxiety is about the anticipation of the negative effects that the consequences of something will have on us. 

That something could be unknown to us, residing deep within our subconscious or something that we do know about such as an error that we have committed or a difficult upcoming circumstance. 

In the anxious state there is a constant intruding type of "bad news'' thought, in which we think and feel that we don't deserve happiness, wellness and that includes the ability to eat and sleep. We feel that we can not have life, that it must be deprived of us or degraded somehow, and so as life is to enjoy eating, sleeping, relaxing, walking, being with friends, talking, joking etc. our ability to eat and sleep is taken from us by our own selves.

It is Our Own Selves

It is ourselves that deprives us of our own well-being, through these negative thoughts. 

Even though sometimes, everything is fine our mind believes it is not, that things will go wrong, or crumble or turn out to be a disaster.

Karmic Psychology

This type of negative thinking belongs to a karmic psychology that we have created for ourselves over the many years that we have erred and have accrued karma. 

The special strong force, that such negative thinking has over us, is due still to our unpaid karma.

The only way we can overcome this, is by paying and working very hard, bloody hard, to pay off that karma so to reduce that force of the negative thinking to a degree that we can manage it.

End (2256).

People Stay Semi-Rotten or Rotten Because they Think they have Time - (2255)

Still Have Time?

People-remain as they are because they believe they will have time in the future to correct and change themselves and make reparations for their past.

However, the problem is, that people keep believing that until the day they die, and by then it is too late.

People do this because of the sleeping consciousness. Even if we are not completely awake we can be awake to this point and try our best to avoid that lament.

I don't want to make that error, nor do I want you or anyone else to make that error, either.

End (2255).

Individuality in Gnosis - (2254)

Clarification of Terms

In Gnosis when the word individual is used, it is used to refer an inner state. Not to a person who physically stands alone.

It is more about a person who within him or herself, that is, within their own psychology, they are an individual. Meaning that their essence stands alone, separate from their egos, and to find someone like this, is a rare find.

Such a person has a sufficient enough degree of development of his or her consciousness so to be able to decide and act independently of any "I”. It does not refer to being a loner, or distant and separate from people. But to have our consciousness isolated and separate from the various “I’s” that we may have.

In More Detail

In Gnosis, individuality begins to be created within a person when the same person is separate or independent from the various interests, desires, impulses from the various “I’s” that the person has, as well as the patterns of thinking and feeling created by customs, traditions and society.

Just the Beginning 

Individuality is achieved by degrees. The above is the beginning and we may say that individuality begins when a person has moved their centre of gravity from their personality to their essence. This is called the creation of the permanent centre of gravity and it is also known as the fabrication of the psychological moon.

Individuality is deepened and increases when the person fabricates the golden embryo and it develops further as the golden embryo fuses with the human soul and the other parts of the Being are incarnated.

The Path is Individual

Yes the path is individual to the degree that we each have our particular psychology bringing with us our particular strengths, weaknesses and karma. Making the tests and circumstances of our path different.

None the less the principles and laws of the path are the same for all but the path being individual does not mean that those who walk on the path must cut contact or have little to do with those who are also treading the path. It is not a reason to be isolated from everyone else.

End (2254).

Monday 26 February 2018

Have you Decided to Work for Your Being? - (2253)

Happened to Master Samael

Do you remember that experience that Master Samael narrates in the book “Yes” where he was a teenager and after spending the night drinking at a party, he had an experience with his Real Being in the astral, where he saw himself at a table where a drunken feast was being celebrated and then his inner Being laid out a white sheet and whipped him mercilessly with a thick chain, asking him “You are my human soul will you work for me?”.

Applies to Us

That experience and decision applies to us just as well. Have we decided to work for our Being yet? Many of you have already decided. Though there are those that havn’t yet.

One should not be scared to do so, especially if one has cleared much of his or her life for the Being. Because the work for and with the Being is only fulfilment and happiness. It is nothing of that which may wrongly scare us.

If a person is serious about their work they will decide to take up the work for the Being and to free the Being in them. 

The decision to work and die psychologically for the Being is the first step to receive help. Plus it gives one much purpose and conviction. 

Maybe the same may happen to you that your inner Being appears to you one night asking you to define yourself for Him or for your own life.

End (2253).

Sunday 25 February 2018

Why the Difficulty with the Astral - (2252)

No Astral Psychology Yet

A reason why people have difficult with astral unfolding and in staying in the astral when they wake up there is because they are not fully comfortable yet with the astral psychology.

Each Dimension Has a Psychology

Each dimension has a particular psychology or mind set or frame of mind. This is because each dimension has different laws and each dimension has particular correspondences and properties related to our own psychology.

For example the astral is related to our emotions. If we can not switch to the psychology of positive emotion we will find astral unfolding difficult. If we, while we are in the astral think very materialistically and intellectually we will gravitate straight away to our physical body.

Positive Emotion

The astral psychology is about unfolding positive emotion and being able to be cantered in that.

Of course the astral psychology is emotionally comfortable with the less number of laws, such as the difference between the way gravity works here in the physical world, and of course the astral psychology will incorporate the positively the feeling of freedom in being able to travel as quick as thought.

End (2252).

Lust is a Matter of the Dislocation of the Centres - (2251)

Whenever there is a Problem…

Whenever there is a problem in one’s sexuality due to the “I’s” of lust it is always because the sexual centre has divorced itself from intellect and emotion and is tending to or is rogue.

For the most part, at least a part of the intellectual and emotional centres do not want the person to participate in the escapade of lust. Sometimes these two centres are mostly against the escapade. Yet the sexual brain or centre is fully willing to go ahead with the escapade.

This important observation shows us that the problem lies in the rogue sexual centre not being reigned in by the person’s will acting through their intellectual and emotional centres.

If we know the problem we then know the remedy. The remedy lies in joining all three brains or aligning all three brains into one, one purpose, one way of functioning.

Sexual Centre Needs Guidance

The sexual force is blind and needs guidance and direction. The intellect and the emotion are what have to guide the sexual centre. Furthermore, it is the teachings inside the intellectual and emotional centres that then guide the sexual centre. The teachings of transmutation are the guide.


When the sexual centre is rogue it has to be brought into line and united with the other two brains. This is done by making these centre to focus on and to operate on the sexual centre, getting it to join them and not the other way around where the intellect and emotion to join it and it leads the way. This always spells disaster - just always it does!

End (2251).

At Work Behind the Sexual Impulse - (2250)

Creative Energy

The sexual energy is the energy of creation, and creation itself is movement, expansion, unfolding, development, action etc. Therefore the agent of creation – the sexual energy must be of the same nature. 

That is why Master Samael said that the sexual energy is volatile and difficult to store. Because it is dynamic and it holds the qualities of creation.

The prime function of the sexual energy is to create. Therefore deep within our sexual impulses, is the impulse or anxiousness to create, and once something has been created, a pause (magnetic pause) or a certain repose ensues.

Psychologically that deeply inherent impulse within the sexual impulse can take the form of anxiousness to create and contentment that the sexual energy has been used to create. In other words for the sexual energy to be used to create and the repose is the contentment that the sexual energy has reached its potential.

Three Creations

We can create in three ways using the creative energy. 

One way is outside of ourselves in the sense of a child, the second way is internally as in the solar bodies also known as the superior existential bodies of the Being, and the third way is to create more psychological capsules known as new egos or “I’s”.

We are interested in the second way, which is the wisest use and most edifying and dignifying use of the sexual energy.


This is an inherent part of the sexual energy and this factor is always ever present in the sexual energy and it will always drive a person’s sexual impulses over and over again in a cycle representing the various cycles of time that exist in creation, whereby creation renews herself.

End (2250).

Saturday 24 February 2018

Environment, Impressions, Influences: Can All Deceive - (2249)

A Common Situation

Often when we are in the midst of people, in a happy environment and we receive many impressions, we are drawn to go along with those impressions and if there is any influence present that is inline with the many impressions that we receive, we are even more drawn to go along with the impressions.

The interesting moment is when one is by oneself left to face the reality or consequences of what one has gone along with. Then that is when we really feel deceived by ourselves.

In all these cases we think that we are doing something good. Sometimes we know that it is not right for us or that it is simply not right. The interesting thing is that the impressions, environment and influences have the power to override that feeling in us.

Decide when Alone

The best or more objective way to decide something is to be by oneself for a while and then allow the decision to come from inside of one not being based on or depending upon or being bolstered by the environment, impressions and influences.

An example is when at a retreat, people look for a partner and they are inspired to do the work and then after the retreat they are left with themselves and what they have started and then one may think: “my goodness me, what I have gotten myself into, I can’t go ahead with this”.

End (2249).

Friday 23 February 2018

Have You Cleaned Your House Today? - (2248)

Psychological House

We all have our psychological house. What is our like? Is it tidy and orderly? Are there unpleasant guests staying?
Master Samael said that he would review his psychological house constantly paying special attention to any unwanted guests.

Clean House

Organising our mind, cleaning out useless and wrong concepts, transforming impressions and working on those unwanted guests (heavy egos) keeps our house tidy.
In relation to those unwanted guests until they are eliminated we can only kick them out and clean up after them. The longer we keep them out the cleaner our house will be.
End (2248).

Thursday 22 February 2018

Two Classes of Mummies - (2247)


Master Samael does a wonderful job here of clearing up the question of mummification. What knowledge!


“There are two types of mummy; one of these types relates to the dead whose cadavers were submitted to the processes of mummification, and the other to the dead in a state of “catalepsy”.
There was a very special secret related to mummification; the brain, viscera and heart had to be removed. These were preserved in sacred vessels, and in the space left by the heart a Sacred Cow of gold and the attributes of Hathor were placed. The bodies were preserved due to the fact that the Egyptians maintained the Etheric Body. An ingenious form of dressing was used by them upon the chakras, on the palms of the hands, and in the arches of the feet. Honey from the bees helped to conserve the mummy, and upon it were placed the Elemental Genii to care for the mummy. These were placed under the protection of Keb, the Genie of the Earth.
Although my words may seem too enigmatic and strange, in truth I say to you that my physical body did not die, but did however go to the sepulchre. There is another type of mummy; that which is related with catalepsy. My case was certainly not an exception; many other Hierophants have passed to the sepulchre in a cataleptic state.
It should in no way be a surprise to us that this very special type of munmy continues to live without any type of nutrition whatsoever, but with all of the natural faculties in suspension. Remember that the toads during winter buried in the mud lie in rest like corpses, without any food at all, but in spring they return to life. Have you heard of hibernation?
Egyptian catalepsy goes much further; and is furthermore wisely combined with magic and occult chemistry.
My Soul obviously escaped from the body. It is unquestionable that this very special type of mummification was not an obstacle to continuing my cycle of reincarnations.
After my death, my Soul would be able to reincorporate permanently in that mummy if Turn (the Father) wished it to be so.”
V.M Samael Aun Weor – “Tarot and Kabbalah”.

End (2247).

At Least a Prayer to Sanat Kumara - (2246)


It is really good to let the Venerable Master Sanat Kumara know, with a prayer from time to time that you are here and that you want the path or that you want to move along the path or that we want to return to the path.
Master Samael says that the Venerable Master Sanat Kumara is the founder and head of the college of initiates of the white lodge. He is also the one that confers the initiations (from the third major initiation onwards) to the initiate.


“Sanat Kumára, the founder of the Great College of Initiates of the White Lodge, is another living Christ”
“The supreme ceremony of the third initiation is received with the Christ Astral. Upon the altar appears Sanät Kumara the Ancient of the Days, to confer upon us the initiation.”
“In the world of the mind Sanat Kumära always welcomes the candidate saying, “You have liberated yourself from the four bodies of sin. You are a Buddha. You have entered the world of the Gods. You are a Buddha. Everyone who liberates himself of the four bodies of sin is a Buddha. You are a Buddha. You are a Buddha.”
V.M Samael Aun Weor – “The Perfect Matrimony”.
End (2246).

Closest a Single Person can Get to Immortality - (2245)

The Essence is Immortal

First thing is first, our essence is immortal and on that level we are already immortal. All human beings are immortal on the level of essence and Monad.

Though the concerning issue is the immortality of the physical body, which is the type of immortality that the great masters of the past achieved such as Cogliostro, Count Saint Germain, Nicholas Flammel, Fulcanelli, Dante Allegeri, Babaji, Mataji etc.

Alas, that type of immortality is not for a single person. The completion of the Great Work is needed, implying many years of Alchemical work.

Then the Closest Is?

The closest a single person can get to this type of immortality is to have developed his or her essence and consciousness so much that they are given another chance in the next life to continue doing their work, finding all the conditions necessary to complete the Great Work.
The key factor is to work psychologically to develop the essence! To develop the essence means to free essence and awaken the freed essence.
If we are lacking in this work then there will be a break in the continuation of our work from one life to the next. With little free and awakened essence we will pass to the next life, making many mistakes with the egos that we have and then find the work and start again from almost zero.
End (2245).

Wednesday 21 February 2018

The Symbol of a Sunset - (2244)

Generally Refers to Transformation, Ending or Psychological Death

Seeing a setting sun in a dream or meditation means that something must end so that something else can be rise anew (sunrise). Every sunset is linked to a sunrise. It is just like life and death. Life takes one to death and death takes on to life.
Basically, we can not see death without life. If something is to die in us then something else will be born in us.

What the Sun Sets Over is what is Important

What the sun is setting over tells us what specifically must end in us for something else to be born.
If the sun sets over the waters, then something related to our sexuality must undergo transformation. If the sun sets over a city, then we must work more on our attachment to life and our personality. 
If the sun sets over the coast then we need to work on the more visible aspects of the ego. 
If the sun sets over a country landscape then it may mean that we need to work deeper within ourselves, if the sun sets over a mountain, perhaps it is that a person in their path may need to work more in death.
End (2244).

Our Essence Harmonizes Itself with the Laws of Life and Death - (2243)

Good for us to Know this

Our very own essence and Being is not at odds with the Law and all the laws of the cosmos. Including the laws of life and death, return, recurrence etc.
Our very own essence trusts in these laws and harmonises itself with them. It does not fight death nor fear it! It tries to die consciously!
It is only us: our mind and egos, that due to our ignorance of the above point (essence harmonises with the Law) that we fight, rebel and suffer when there is no other possibility open to us.

Hold On!

But hold on, the law of revolution also exists, the law of sacrifice also exists and the principles that a superior principle washes away and inferior one, also exists.
Our essence too when given the impulse by its Monad, jumps and screams out for joy for the chance to give itself to these other Laws, namely: revolution (of consciousness) and sacrifice.
End (2243).

When Our Loved Ones Get Sick - (2242)

Angry, Annoyed, Worried, Scared…

It is not an easy time when our loved ones get sick. Whether that be our parents, brothers, sisters or friends. It is even worse when that sickness looks like it will or may take them to that which we don’t want to consider.
We may feel any or more of the above strong emotions.
From our Gnostic work point of view such a time is a chance for us to produce within ourselves the noblest act of transformation whose result is a love that changes everything inside of us and blesses, protects, heals, comforts and a brings comforting peace closer.


As hard as it is, accepting is the first thing to do to transform all these emotions into that love from our essence that I mentioned above.
This can be such a huge task, such a huge thing to do. But to not do it is to deny ourselves the grace of the love that can flow so beautifully and powerfully out of heart for them.
Everyone has to die, everyone has to pay some karma as some point. Do we accept that for ourselves and our loved ones?
If I accept that my loved one has to die, then I can love the way that they are going to go. The way that they are going to go is a part of their life. It is what the Law and their Being has worked out for them.
By not accepting it, we are in effect fighting them, and the negative emotions mentioned above stay with us.

We Don’t Want that they Suffer

Above all we just don’t want that they suffer.
We sadly just can’t do much about that at times. If it is that they suffer it is because they are paying off debts. Each second of suffering is a second closer to future beautiful blissful peace for them.
The best that we can do though is to not suffer ourselves. We are in separate bodies and what is going on in their body is not what is going on in our body.
It is better to be a beacon of light, love and faith for them and to do that we must have our essence present in us. Negative emotions cloud out our essence.
The best thing that we can do for them is to bring out their essence. With their essence active their Being is the closest that it can be.


We may have passed through that situation already or we are going to pass through it in the future. That is a guarantee and is the wisest thing always is to prepare.
Love is such a powerful force, loving them through their process and loving that process is the best gift, it is the balm, it is the grace and it is lifeline in these times. We have to look to powerful conscious love in such a time, it the time of the essence, the Being in us and them, the time of the blessed Masters of the Medicine and the time of the blessed angels of death that can guide, protect, look after and guide our loved ones after death.
End (2242).

Each Ego is An Abyss - (2241)

Sorry – An Awful Post

Sorry in advance, this is an unpleasant post. None the less a post to reveal more about the nature of the ego that may be useful to derive a kick of motivation to push a bit harder in the psychological work.


This may not seem to be true: that each ego is an abyss - a psychological abyss, that is. But to those with the experience it is true.

One only knows it to be true when one is engulfed by an ego. This being engulfed by an ego may perhaps occur for reasons due to one’s own doing or for a special reason that escapes our immediate comprehension, but for whatever reason it has occurred, it is a chance of our life time for us to realise much about the ego and to use those realisations to catapult us out of that abyss.


Basically when the identification with that ego is great (three brains or even just intellect and emotion) and we live with that identification, then we fully enter the abyss of that ego and we realise that we are there.

Here is when we really learn much about the real nature of the ego. And here is where the decision to really fight with our all our might is born.

Battle Won or Lost

With such an experience one does not want the ego at all. One begins to yearn to get out of that abyss. One’s heart is then touched and it begins to swell into activity, and the reality of either swim or drown becomes ever more clear in our heart.  Before it was our mind that knew we have to eliminate the ego, but now it is the heart.

All fantasies of wanting to descend into the abyss to fight like a hero disappear. A real bitterness is felt that fantasy never took into account.

To be in the abyss of an ego is never ever pleasant no matter what ideas, fantasies or concepts we have about it.

The decision to fight must appear in us, otherwise the bitterness and pain will continue, mixed with an increasing loss of hope. One must not allow this situation to continue for long otherwise the most precious thing needed to get out of this predicament, which is hope, can be lost, then depression is around the corner.

Our work then is our only hope!

See it in the World Around Us

If we observe life we can find the abyss of the ego all around us everywhere.

Those that live by the ego are in an abyss.

To live for the ego is to be in that ego’s abyss. To live by the ego is to live in its abyss.

To have the ego has our driving force in life is to be in the abyss. Even the ego of mystical pride has its abyss that it drags us into, which is abyss of dreaming, compensation and ambition.

The world of drinking, gambling, obsessive money saving or money making, sex, fear, depression, revenge, competition, envy, war etc. are all abysses of an ego.

To be thinking about drinking and by morning one is in the bar until night is to be well in the abyss of that ego. In fact it is to be enslaved by it.

Conclusion – We Create the Abyss

It happens that the abyss is created here in physical life within our psychology first and then in our life.

As we live in these abysses of the ego here in our physical life we begin to create a reservation for us in the abyss of nature.

When our physical body dies, then within our psyche, the strongest ego begins to function just as it did in life and it projects its abyss and by the natural las of affinity, entropy, gravity, correlation, correspondence, number, weight and measurement we gravitate or move to the regions of nature that match this ego. And those regions are the inferior or infra-dimensions of nature.

The same thing with the heavens. As we begin to live more in our consciousness here we begin to reserve a place for ourselves in the superior dimensions of nature.

If this happens to us, that we experience the abyss of an ego, it is so that we fight to get out of it. The way to get out is always only ever the work!

The work takes us to remember how we got there and to reverse all that we did to get there and so then we can climb out.
End (2242).