Thursday 23 August 2018

Four Worlds of Kabbalah and How the Being Helps Us – (5364)


This post is about an excerpt from a talk that Master Samael gave. He talks about the four worlds of Kabbalah and how our inner Being helps us through these four worlds.

Aziluth, Briah, Yetzirath and Assiah

A summary of what Master Samael says provided here below:


Aziluth is the world of splendours, the world of the Sephirotic crown, the world of great happiness.


Briah is the world of the Spirit. There in Briah is Atman, Buddhi, Manas or Chesed, Geburah and Tiphereth.


In Yetzirath is found the astral and mental worlds.


In Assiah is the physical world and the abyss.

All four words overlap and manage their functions and processes intelligently without clashing.

Ancient of the Days and the Four Worlds

In principle Master Samael says that the Ancient of the Days (our Kether) participates in all four worlds. He says that the Logos (our Kether, Chockmah, Binah) directly manages all the Sephirots.

The way Kether manifests in the world of Aziluth is by Itself and the way Kether manifests in the world of Briah is through Atman. The way Kether manifests through the worlds of Yetzirath (mental and astral) is through the Divine Hierarchies, that is through the Masters, Archangels, Angels etc. in the mental, astral and physical worlds.

The way Kether manifests through the world of Assiah is through the chakras of the planet Earth, through the signs of the Zodiac, through the Tattwas and other vibrations. Unfortunately, Kether can not act in the worlds of Yetzirath and Assiah directly. To act, He needs intermediaries.


Our inner Being always tries to help us. He can do so directly up to a certain point. But after that He uses others to help us. Those others are intermediaries and they are the divine hierarchies in the mental and astral and also the physical masters who are here with us, as well as mother nature. Through mother nature (chakras of the planet, tattwas and vibrations) our inner Being can help us. So a short trip to the country is not so bad now and then. 

End (5364).

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