Thursday 18 October 2018

For the Ego to Possess It Must Condition - (5329)

The eternal qualities of everyone's Being to remain as they are, in their pristine state must remain in the inner Being and used by or at least for the inner Being.

As soon as these qualities of the inner Being are used outside the harmony of the inner Being, a will
separate to the inner Being is manifest.

This will in action can only further condition the quality in question.

The conditioning of that quality from its source revolves around that separating agent of will. 

That separating will is the first layer of the "I''. That will is the reason behind the first statement of the ego.

The ''I'' begins as a separating cause or reason from the inner Being.

The qualities of the inner Being are best left to the inner Being or the consciousness or at the essence to exercise. Hence the many parts of the Being with their particular functions.

When a human being tries to take a quality into its own hands for whatever reason it further conditions it, especially if the aim to possess is not for the inner Being.

That is why people when they try to love or create justice they irritate and create further imbalance.

The will forces or puts pressure on the mind to organize or plan out the will or desire. The mind 
often errs.

The more the "I'' conditions a quality, the more it believes it is the source of that quality, and it is
the law of that quality.

The real source is the Being and the Law of those qualities is the Being.

End (5329).

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