Sunday 3 February 2019

Emotional States Dropped with Remembering the Being - (5278)

If we feel: empty, awkward, embarrassed, stupid, alone, not belonging, see no point, disorientated, disappointed, offended, irritated, annoyed, scared, etc. it is really because of a lack of self-remembering.

So ok, we feel these things, then to feel something different, self-remembering is the magical key to transform these emotional states.

Really if one earnestly remembers one's essence, one's consciousness then one's inner Being then one goes inwardly quite deeply and finds a bit of oneself and then magically those feelings disappear.

Always, always when with people that often in relating with them we feel these things, we can not forget self-remembering. 

Happiness as an emotional state is the only that engages all the senses and makes us feel truly alive.
It is not them that make us feel like this, it is our lack of self-remembering that makes us to feel like this.

They are giving us an extraordinary help to make our self-remembering so much stronger!

Why does it help because when we remember our Divine origin and nature we remember our work and the briefs behind those feelings cease to be real for us, and so when we withdraw our attention and belief in those false views or beliefs they go down.

Practice it and see how it helps so much!

End (5278).

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