Friday 22 March 2019

Self-Compassion Comes from Karma - (2961)

Remember what Japan did after WWII, it decided to limit itself by only equipping itself with military might capable of defence. Germany has done a similar thing in many ways, where one of these ways was to let in several hundred thousand new immigrants of very different culture and value set to native German people in an effort perhaps to compensate for the atrocities of WWII.

Self-compassion is the ego that does the same, it is something that works from within our subconscious punishing ourselves. Going against ourselves, castrating ourselves, diminishing ourselves, lowering ourselves etc. 

When this ego is very karmic we punish ourselves even when we really don't want to. Those people who destroy themselves with drugs, sex, alcohol etc. have the ego of self-compassion laden with a heavy burden of karma. The karma does not allow them to so easily leave those ruining activities.

When we have this ego working in our subconscious it actually attracts abuse and so often it happens that instead of getting consideration we get struck with reprimands, insults and the like.

That ego wishes for that abuse because it believes deep down that it deserves it. All the while pride is suffering the unspeakable...

This ego of self-compassion is created from having made various mistakes and not having transformed those mistakes into improvements, change, learning, light, new resolution and an upward movement on the Level of Being.

What a hell of a dark post the next one will be totally different.

End (2961).

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