Saturday 26 October 2019

Ill-Will is Totally of a Sexual Origin - (5237)

I really can not write too much about this. I think that within your own intimate observations you will ratify this.

The origin of ill-will being to do with sex is right there in front us. Especially in the English language - it can be so easily seen. Also in Spanish too, as well as in other languages, as all languages obey the universal human patterns of human nature.

It is the sexual desire that was created in Lemuria that gave rise to ill-will. The sexual force was the one that created the 'myself' and the 'myself' is constituted by the three demons plus the Father of the Three Furies. One the three demons is ill-will.

The same force that wishes to fulfil sexual desire is used to harm someone in ill-will. Isn't lust the original ill-will, as using sex wrongly is like an act of ill-will against the interior Divinity because it disconnects the interior divinity from the human being.

This then tells us that working with the sexual energy - transmuting it works against the 'myself' and especially against the demon of ill-will.

We don't know the good we really do in the three realities when we transmute!

End (5237).

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