Thursday 25 June 2020

Consciousness Notes - (5333)

Sorry a bit of a boring post. Just me jotting down some notes for a class I am giving tonight.

States of Consciousness

There are really many states of consciousness. Each minute puts us in a different state.

We see life through a state of consciousness.

Our state of consciousness creates our internal states.

The best thing in practical life is the right internal state. With the right internal state we can give the best answers to the events of life. 

Level of Being and state of consciousness are directly related.

There are contracted states of consciousness and expanded states.

What is the most important thing is the state of consciousness. 

Each state of consciousness carries more understanding or less understanding about ourselves and life.

Consciousness is above and beyond our mind and our affections.

Consciousness acts. It does not store information nor does it reason like the mind does. It knows directly.

It has the property of revealing and of making realisations. Such revelations and realisations are those which change the course of our life and change our internal states.

It is contained in our essence. 

It is us, it is innate to us. It is not: colour, sex, identity, it accepts all, encompasses all, is neither good nor bad and is like a mirror that reflects all for us.

It is independent of our body. It is not our body either.

It is exists in the now, the present moment. So in any given moment we can contact it.

It is not the thoughts. It is what is, between the thoughts.

It is our light, via which we can see. Light and consciousness are intimately linked. If we know the laws of light we come to know more about how our consciousness functions.


Attention and consciousness are very linked. We can bring our consciousness and make it to work for us when we focus our attention onto something.

So often our attention gets hooked. Mastery of attention is needed.

Where our attention is our consciousness is. Our consciousness follows our attention.

Attention is magic, it is a flow of life, intelligence and energy and love. When fixed on an issue it solves it, when we focus our attention on others and ourself we heal, we nourish, we energise etc.

Focused Consciousness, Diffuse Consciousness

We can focus our consciousness, like a spot light or the way a magnifying glass focuses the rays of the sun and we can have a diffuse consciousness that is aware of say a large area, like a flood light.

Even though there are more than several thousands of states of consciousness there are four broad classical states. Sleep, waking (vigil), self-conscious and awakened.

Rats out of time...

End (5333).

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