Sunday 24 January 2021

Law of Backlash - (5350)

Karma is another word for the Law of Backlash.

The way this law works is that something is in balance and then we go and do something to it and what we do unbalances it. That thing now being unbalanced, to get back into balance moves against us.

It is like a branch of a tree. The tree and its branches are in a state of equilibrium. Then a man comes along and bends a branch. All is fine until he lets it go. The branch will naturally want to retake its natural position where it was in a state of equilibrium. In the process of returning to its natural state it flings back against the man hitting him in the face breaking his nose. That is the law of backlash.

We do this often - trying to change the natural course of things or the way something is when it is in a state of balance. The change we make comes back against us.

So often when there is karma and we try to get involved, even to help, this law of backlash applies. Why? Because the karma itself does not want to be altered, a certain process is in place and that process is the process of returning to equilibrium and our intervention disrupts that process, and we receive the backlash.  

So to deal with the backlash one has to be strong, that is have more force than the backlash, if one does not the backlash will be harmful and in that case it will be like one adds extra karmic weight upon themselves. Maybe it is smarter not to provoke the backlash. 

End (5350).

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