Friday 19 March 2021

Loneliness - (5248)

This was a post I wrote some time ago but didn't publish. It remained almost finished in the drafts section for all this time. As I'm now trying to declutter it's worth publishing just to get it out of the draft section.

Loneliness is an internal psychological state. 

It is a state of lacking, a state where a certain void is felt.

It is an inferior state that as it grows it begins to eat a way at our sense of purpose in life. Things seem to lose their meaning or significance and things in our life seem less worthwhile than they did before. 

Loneliness causes us to abandon things that would otherwise keep us company. A cause that we are fighting for keeps us company and feeling lonely is not to notice that the work for this cause keeps us company.

Some masters travel and spend a lot of time alone in the physical world. They are full of their Being and being full they have their inner company. They have their Being. They are fully connected and so they are not lonely. Through their Being is the connection to everything else, as the Being is connected to everything.

There is the root cause, our lack of making company with our inner Being.

So then, we begin to accept that we lack the company of our inner Being. The next step is to make our efforts to go to Her or Him. 

We can go to our Divine Mother and find Her using our love and our prayer. Stay a while there with Her, making concerted inner efforts to be there with Her using will and imagination lots of heart felt prayer.

Self-compassion enjoys the mystique of loneliness, and enjoys its philosophical and lamenting flavour. 

Lust does not like it and tries to solve it or at least take one's attention away from it.

Pride does not like to admit it and envy burns seeing the friends and company others have.

End (5248).

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