Sunday 9 May 2021

The Worst Moment in the Work or Path or in Any Undertaking - (5299)

I think the worst moment in the work or the path or in any undertaking for that matter, is when we are about to throw in the towel.

That moment is really aweful, that moment when we think: "I just can't do it", "it is not for me, I've come as far as I can", "it was never for me anyway", "I'll just not make it then that's all" something both sad and daunting.

This moment as bad as it looks or feels, is so common...

I don't know about everyone, but many people who have been very successful in so many undertakings: the work, the path, climbing a difficult mountain, fighting in a war, building a business, starting humanitarian relief projects, passing through intense difficulties... have all thought and felt that before...

Once again, to feel or think that, well its not pleasant for the person who thinks or feels that but what counts is how we deal with it. What comes after the thought and feeling is what counts, because that is what unfolds one's destiny...

Anyway when this moment arises here in relation to the work here are some things to think about. 

1.) If we throw in the towel we will have to face the same difficulty later on, in this life or the next, it will be the same. So why not gather up the strength and consciousness to do or overcome it now.

2.) Do you know that this may be exactly what you need to develop and perhaps even pay for future higher states of consciousness ahead of you.

3.) What about others in your life? Some relationships depend on the work. Then there are others - real people that depend on your work, and what of them?

4.) What about your Being? Have you consulted your Being? How long has your Being been waiting?


5.) What happens if you just wait a short while, are you sure the storm won't pass? Everything as law does pass!

6.) Have you asked for help? To talk to somebody in the work can make a world of difference.

7.) Are you sure you are not being a sooky la la (Aussie slang for a cry-baby), being weaker than what you really are?

8.) Do you know how close you are to arriving at something valuable?

9.) Do you know what has been planned for you to do in the future if only you are to stay working? 

10.) Do you know what karma has been put aside until now? 

11.) Do you know what really awaits you in life and in your future lives? Well the same as the past right? Are you good with living the future as the past was? 

End (5299).

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