Thursday 19 August 2021

Loss of Self-Respect Leads to Pride - (5353)

When we lose our self-resprect pride grows in its place.

Why because it compensates for the loss of self-respect which is an essential part of the real self-esteem which is another word for the love that the essence holds for itself and the Divine Being that it is in.

When we lose the respect for ourselves we need to be raised up because we can't do it to ourselves inside of ourselves anymore, and so we do it outside using pride to diminish others and compete to bring others down so that we are on the 'up' side, on the 'more' side on the 'plus' side.

We do this with so many things that we don't even realise we are doing it. Whenever there is some rivalry you will find this element prsent.

End (5353).

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