Thursday 16 December 2021

Learning How to Listen Notes: The Selective - (4303)

A lot is really implied in that statement of learning how to listen...

So much more than I know. I only know a little bit and even applying that is difficult.

One thing I have found that we teach ourselves when we are learning how to listen is to be selective.

We are always listening. If someone or something is talking there is always someone listening. Whether it be our mind or consciousness or subconscious.

Everyone talks about selective listening which is usually when we are spoken to regarding our person and we only listen to the good things about ourselves and not the bad things. But there is another kind of selective listening which is where we chose what we listen from our inner dialogue and what others say.

For example we should not listen to the negativity of our inner dialogue that always takes us nowhere good. That negativity of our own inner dialogue harms us more than the negativity of others.

You know our own consciousness listens. But the fact is our consciousness listens in silence. We have to make our mind quiet and then we can listen to the silence. Which is really our own heart speaking through the space of awareness. That is, using awareness itself to speak and listen.

If there is the word there is listening. Listening is immutable like the word. If there is the word there is someone to listen to it. Everything in creation sounds so there is listening everywhere, listening is creation, as creation is what received the word of the creators. Creation was created because it listened to the word of the universe. 

When we really listen, our consciousness is changed, just as was primordial creation, the consciousness of the universe made creation after being changed by having listened to the word of the creator Elohim, who are plural.

Listening is a way into our interior world. Through listening we can enter into the now. Listening to the breath to the sounds of our environment is always now and our consciousness glows even brighter when we enter the now.

We should not listen to the lower values and the "I's" talking within us as they are the bad councilors.

End (4303).

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