Monday 3 January 2022

Conscious Shocks - (5293)

We need conscious shocks. The work is all about conscious shocks.

Conscious shocks are about ascending, improving our level of consciousness. Not the opposite.

We awaken and expand our consciousness based on conscious shocks.

With every conscious or more conscious experience there is a kind of a shock.

When we realise something we receive a shock. When a concept or belief is broken it was often after we received a shock or were shocked by something.

Am electric shock is when we receive a bolt of energy that is absorbed by our body. Sometimes the energy of the shock is too great for the body to absorb and instead permanent damage even fatal harm is done to the body.

Shocks are I repeat the way our consciousness awakens and the way we advanced in expanding our consciousness.

Contrast is a shock. Questions also supply a shock.

We need shocks to snap us out of the mechanical state and they allow us to be more conscious or alert or more intensely aware.

A health scare is a shock. We realise that going the way we are going we are going to get very ill soon. So then we initiate action to change,

We need things that shock our consciousness. Shocks are essentially energy. A shock implies new energy entering our system and with the entrance of that 'something new', new elements are created or generated in our system. 

Shocks give us a new beginning. In some ways shocks signify a start to a more conscious way about things.

True shocks to the consciousness lift the level of consciousness on the energetic and conscious path.

Shocks are often supplied to us via contrast. The realisation of what was unknown about ourselves a few minutes before gives us a new conscious energy.

Often in the mirror looking at ourselves physically but more so emotionally we receive conscious shocks.

Things that shock us are things that we didn't know before. Conscious shocks are of the 'new'.

With self-remembering we can provide conscious shocks to ourselves.

The Alchemy itself requires many conscious efforts to produce higher more potent substances with our body.

In conclusion we need conscious shocks constantly to become more conscious. If we don't receive shocks we are not really going to advance. We can supply to ourselves conscious shocks that are more artificial but none the less they work as they are shocks.

End (5293).

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