Wednesday 24 August 2022

Fear is Conditioned by Time and Space - (5345)

Fear like many egos is conditioned by time and space. Even though we feel fear days before a scary event the only real time to be scared is at a specific moment and at a specific location.

For example, if we are scared of public speaking, the only time when we should really feel fear is when we are on stage, at the podium in front of an audience and about to speak. Not a day before, not a hour before, not even a minute before and not a minute after. Because a day or even an hour before we are relaxed at home or with friends well in our comfort zone not doing anything scary.

This really applies to all fears. Fear is conditioned to work only in a very short period of time at a very specific location.

However, we have taken it out of proportion and made it to work outside of that specific moment and location. Our work is to reduce our fear until it is eliminated to that moment and that specific parcel of space. Even though this is not eliminating fear it is greatly reducing fear by bringing it into reality and into the more correct proportion.

You will find though that when you do this - reduce fear to a specific moment and location, your feelings towards fear will change, you won't feel so much dread - you will even feel a little excited to get to that specific moment and location and get through it.

End (5345).

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