Monday 12 September 2022

Spiritual Faculties not Connected to the Path in the End Work for Matter - (5343)

Esoteric or spiritual faculties that people have, if they do not connect them to the path they sooner or later end serving life and matter rather than the spirit.

When esoteric faculties unexpectedly awaken in a human being, that human being has a whole new world opened to them, and if they were to dive to the very depths of that new world they may well find the path... 

Of the little that I have seen, some of them do find the path, some do find the path but leave as they tend to know 'too much' (which in the end is knowing nothing about the path) to stay in a school, and still some don't even try for the same reason - that they know too much already about the spirit.

However, most of those who have spiritual faculties in the Western world end by making a business of it, or a very comfortable way of living out of it. Certainly they do good for others helping others to solve their problems etc. but they without doubt by the fees they charge and how many appointments they have in a day, they make a lot of money in the process and a small spiritual business empire grows in their name...

Then in such a small business empire, two masters appear, spirit and matter and if the path with the three factors of: mystical death, transmutation of the creative energies into the spirit and the sacrifice for humanity, are not present there is lacking the spiritual force to lift this spiritual business up fully into the arms of the spirit and so the balance in time favours matter.

End (5343).

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