Saturday 21 January 2023

Relativity and Duality in Gang Psychology - (5349)

From a look at the psychology that moves in gangs, relativity and duality jumps out loud and clear.

A gang is defined by being a group that hates 'those ones' in the next neighbourhood. Here we see an identity standing in relation to something else, an external something else. Take away the gang in the next neighbourhood and the gang identity disappears.

We are like that with our identity, there are elements within us in which we define ourselves based off of something else. The real identity comes from inside of us not depending on anything else.

Another element of gang psychology is conditioned love. There are tremendous expectations to perform in favour of the perceived interests of the gang. If one falls short, one is sent straight away into the rank of outcast where it is very difficult to rise out of. This too happens in life, we have all done this to others or have experienced it.

Another element is that of a short life. Each gang member knows that they will die soon. That in the next clash with a rival gang they could be killed or be hunted down or 'randomly' die because of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. 

Gang psychology makes human beings to have a life as if they were living in the animal kingdom. You can see that a gang member almost lives like a animal in a jungle, who has to fight for survival and watch it's back 24/7 to not stray into unknown territory and not become a meal or just a 'kill' for another animal.

In short, gang psychology is based on the conditioning of relativity and duality which when that conditioning becomes heavy it gives us an animal-like life, characterised with its pains and sufferings.

End (5349).

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