Saturday 18 February 2023

5 is Cause and Effect - (5284)

Number 5 is the number of action which is the result of cause and effect. 

Number five is also the number of the human being. The five centres, the five senses and the five points. The fifth dimension the causation dimension, the fifth initiation where the true human being is born with the incarnation of the human soul.

The number five is three plus two. Which is the combination of the law of duality and the Law of Three. 

That is how the true number five works, it is the Law of Three operating on the two opposite choices here in creation (human life). Put simply it is the consciousness or wisdom pondering carefully and working on the opposites to produce a result. Hopefully that result is balance.

Leonardo Davinci's bridge made balanced and stable from five.

If the result is conscious there is balance but if the result leans to either side of duality then the law of cause and effect enters into action to bring things back to the balance - which is what should have been chosen initially.

The true human being is the combination of spirit and matter which is not either spirit or matter but a new creation - which is consciousness in creation which produces action. 

Every moment of the human being's life is to seek the number five, which is to have the consciousness which comes from the Law of Three to work over the choice of the two opposites and produce the balance or cause the law of cause and effect to enter into action to produce balance through a giving and taking exchange.

In summary, the number five is balance achieved through action. It is the human being that acts. It is either the action of balance - right action or the wrong action which through the tilting of the scales comes to balance.   

Every scale has five parts: a base, a vertical part, a horizontal part and two pans.

End (5284).

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