Tuesday 17 October 2023

Solution to Sexuality is Relationship - (5272)

As mentioned in previous posts sexual energy is a tremendous force that we all have a relate to. The way we relate to our sexual energy is generally called sexuality.

All the virtues and values of our essence are ways of relating to an area of life. Sexuality itself is a value. The highest form of the value of sexuality is conscious/esoteric sexuality.

Whether we like it or not by the very fact that we have a sexual centre and sexual energy we have to relate to it.

We can chose not to relate to it but after a while it proves to be so strong that we have to look at and relate to it. Always the better we relate to something the better for ourselves and everyone else.

The worse thing we can do is to cut off that relationship to our own sexual energy. And people do cut off their relationship to it, by either castrating themselves physically, surgically removing their sexual organs, changing their sexual organs or psychologically castrating themselves by taking a vow of celibacy like the monks, nuns and Catholic priests of the world do.

To have the attitude that sex is something ugly, disgusting and gross is stupid, because whether we like it or not we all have to face it and relate to it and we have all come from it and we all didn't come from something stupid, and if it was gross and disgusting why did God use something so disgusting to create us? That would mean God is disgusting and so are we?

To be single is difficult. Because to be single one has to have dissolved or at least worked a lot on desire. As desire of any kind mixed with sexual energy causes new deviations to appear and for them to take on a life of their own. 

To be free of desire is no easy feat at all. IT authentically comes in later stages of the initiatic path with eh elimination of the three demons, with the first demon being the demon of desire. So before then it is best to be in a relationship working consciously with sexuality for the integration of our Inner Being.

The sexual energy is there to create and give life. If the sexual energy is made to align with the other centre in working for a cause then the intervention of the sexual does marvels.

Going to back to the root of the word: 'sex' we find two classes of roots word which all indicate implicitly or explicitly to cut or to divide. The latin root word 'sexus' and the old French word 'sexe' both mean sex or gender and the latin words 'seco' and 'secare' both mean to cut and divide. There is also a Tamil word which it is said to have influenced the origin of the word sex which is the word 'siku'. The is word also means to cut and divide. Indeed, sex or gender does divide the whole of humanity into two: male and female. 

We can see the truth of the above origin of the word to cut and divide in many way sin human life. It is also very much as Master Samael said, sexuality is a sword that can wound terribly or heal and benefit wonderfully. 

In Lemuria there was no sex. Only when the cut or division occurred was there then the sexes, sex and sexuality.

So what happens is that sexual energy merges with desire and creates another facet in us and as often is the case we can't express this facet openly because it won't be accepted so we keep to it quiet. In the background it grows and becomes stronger and then the sexual energy instead of unifying us cuts us into half making two people - one with a public life and one with a secret life where we fulfill our desires. This happens all over the world in many different ways, some more decent and others less.

Now days though that secret life is being rebelled against and people want to bring that secret life to be accepted by the public. Because they know that to have a secret life is suffering and that to be one is happiness. 

Even people change their sex because they feel divided or feel like they are two people. For example, a woman living in a man's, so has an operation to cut of his mal genitals so to become one.

The karma now days is that he sexual energy is being used against us dividing us internally because we abused it using it against so many others in the past and against ourselves at the same time. 

The solution to sexuality is in relationship, but with the proviso of relating well to sexuality. By 'well' Gnosis always says: consciously. 

When we relate consciously to something we balance and unify it when we relate unconsciously to something we go to extremes and create two poles, that is separation where conflict arises.

To be continued...

End (5272).

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